Extinction Of The Grey Whales


Extinction Of The Grey Whales Essay, Research Paper

The gray whale decline has been an eminent problem for many decades. There are numerous reasons for the gray whales to be in decline. Some of these reasons include the whale hunting that occurred in the mid 1860 s into the early 1870 s on the coast of California (Jones, pg. 173). There are, to this day, two countries that continue to ignore the whale moratorium (Busch, pg. 103). Another reason is the dead gray whales washing up on the shores of the West Coast, which is probably due to their food shortage. The gray whales are the only whales having suffered near extinction.

The gray whale hunting occurred the along coast s of the Northern Hemisphere. These gray whales are the coast hugging species of the Northern Hemisphere (Bonner, pg. 77). The last period of significant whaling from ships on the Coast of California was in the mid 1860 s into the early 1870 s , (Jones, pg. 173). But, today Japan and Korea continue to ignore the whaling moratorium. These two countries ignore the moratorium, even though their gray whales of their shores are almost near to extinction (Busch). These gray whales were hunted for their oils for lubricants, waxes, and polishes. All of these uses were discovered in the late 1800 s going on to the early 1900 s. During the depression years 80% of the world production of whale oil was used for margarine, since the supply and demand were increasing (Busch, pg. 97).

Some of these gray whales, with their dense blubber, are found dead on the beaches. Scientists believe the gray whales found on the beaches are under-nourished. Therefore, scientist conducted a study of the coast of central California between 1989 and 1996, which reported a 50%, drop in nutrients for the gray whales (http://graywhale.org/summer.html). Scientists blame the increase in sea surface temperature during that period, of the food shortage. The increasing temperatures may disturb the ecological or food cycle system in the sea. Because of the increasing temperature in the oceans, it may a reason that the habitat of the fishes in the water is disturbed. The disturbance in the water of the fish habitat may lead to the death of the fishes. Therefore, meaning a food shortage for the gray whales. The over fishing, pollution, and destructive fishing habits are also weakening their own havoc (http://graywhale.org/summer.html). But of course, more studies need to be conducted to figure out exactly why these gray whales are dying, the whales that are found dead on the beaches. And, if the increase temperatures of the sea water play a major role for the food shortage. Or, should studies be performed of the bacteria changes in the water. In fact, the water in our planet earth has been recycled for many centuries. Scientists believe that much of the water now on this planet earth, originally spewed as vapor from the thousands of volcanoes that pocked the earth. Therefore, the vapor condensed as rain and over the ages the process was repeated. The water molecules cycled from the sea to sky and back again.

Scientist s also believe that these animals have starved to death. Some findings by two scientists form the Institute of Oceanography in San Diego, discovered that creatures in the deep seabed appear to be starving as well ( SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER EDITORIAL BOARD). Therefore, food supply has declined to the seabed creatures. These seabed creatures depend on food falling from above. Therefore, the decline of the seabed creatures means a decline for the gray whale food supply.

The global temperature s go up and down. It has been doing so, for many years, but are not so well understood. But we could relate the fossil fuel gases emissions that travel into the atmosphere that intensify the warming trends. This may be a reason why the globe s weather mechanisms and ecological systems are no longer seemed to be in a proper form (SEATTLE POST-INTELLGENCER EDITORIAL BOARD). In other words, the environment in the sea and its creatures in it are disrupted. They are disturbed be cause of the increase temperature change in the sea. Consequently, it is no longer suitable for the creatures living in the sea.

Therefore, with the whale hunting, food decline, and ecological changes if nothing is done to make a difference to improve the gray whale population, it would be a sorrow thought to know that our future generation will not be able appreciate the beauty of nature of these gray whales. They will not be able view these gray whales on whale watching trips. Nor, the future generation will not be able to enjoy the splendid shows, such as in Sea World, with baby Shamu. It would be a sorrow thought to know that these gray whales would be extinct with out our help.

Works Cited

Bonner, Niguel Whales of the World

Facts on File, Inc., New York: New York, 1989.

Busch, Robert H. Gray Whale Wandering Giants

Orca Books Publishers, Washington: Custer, 1988.

Jones, Mary Lou, Swartz, Steven L., Leathenwood, Stephen The Gray Whale

ACADEMIC PRESS, INC, California: San Francisco, 1984.

Seattle Post-Intellingencer Editorial Board

Dead Sea beings say trouble below , Sunday, June 13, 1999

Date accessed 10-16-2000.

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