Relativism The Tangible Theory


Relativism: The Tangible Theory Essay, Research Paper

Relativism: The Tangible Theory

Since the beginning of rational thought, philosophers have searched for

the true meaning of morality. Many theorists have attempted to answer this

question with reasoning, in an attempt to find a universal set of rules, or a

way to distinguish right from wrong. Some theorists believe that this question

is best answered by a single moral standard, while others debate if there can be

a single solution. Cultural Relativism explores the idea that there can be no

one moral standard that applies to everyone at any given time. The Kantian

theory, on the other hand, states that a universal sense of duty, would most

benefit humankind. I believe that the Cultural Relativist theory takes into

consideration the different cultures that make up the population as a whole.

The idea of universal truth in ethics, is a myth. The customs of different

societies are all that exist. These customs can not be ?correct’ or ?

incorrect’ for that implies there is an independent standard of right and wrong

by which they may be judged. In today’s global community people are

interacting more and we are now discovering, more then ever, how diverse

cultures and people really are. For these reasons the Cultural Relativist

theory best defines what morality is, and where it came from.

Today all over the world people are communicating in ways never before

imagined. Cultural Relativism believes that one set of morals will not

adequately adapt to the individuality of all the cultures and subcultures in the

world. What this means is that there is no one moral law that fits every

situation at every time. There will always be exceptions to the rules.

Cultural Relativism leaves the creation of moral and ethical standards to the

community. The community then makes moral judgments based on its specific

culture, history, and individuality. For these reasons Cultural Relativism

helps the community, by letting the community set its own moral standards,

rather than impose a set of morals, as the absolutists would suggest. Imposing

a set of universal morals would not be able to compensate for all the different

cultural differences that exist today. If a universal moral law were to be

created, what criteria would be considered? Would one use each communities’s

religion, customs, laws, educational standards, or culture? It would be

impossible to take into consideration all of the different factors unique to

each community when creating a universal moral truth. That is why Cultural

Relativism is the best solution for moral standards, each community considers

all their own factors of culture, religion, education, etc. and then create

their own set of morals based on their needs.

There are many different situations in everyday life that call upon our

moral judgment.

With all of the people in the world and all of the different situations,

who is to say that there is one set standard that we should follow on the

societal level, as well as the individual? Cultural Relativism, challenges the

ordinary belief in the universality of moral truth. It says, in effect, that

there is no such thing as universal truth in ethics; there are only the various

cultural and personal codes, and nothing more. Moreover, our own code has no

special status; it is merely one among many. One clear example of this is

illustrated in the treatment of women in some countries, against the way they

are treated in the United States. In the United States women are privileged

with the same rights as men, therefore creating, by law, an equal society.

However in some Middle Eastern countries women are not allowed to show their

faces in public, own land, or may be forced to be just one wife to a man with

many wives. The questions philosophers ask in this situation is, “Which one of

th ese cultures is morally correct in their treatment of women?” According to

absolutists there would be one universal solution. And, in this case, there is

clearly no such solution. If you were to support the United States’ treatment

of women, you would have to go against many of the Middle Eastern beliefs and

moral standards. Another way of looking at it would be from the woman’s

perspective. In the United States the woman is given freedom and the ability

to choose, whereas in the Middle Eastern culture she has no rights. Is that

culture morally correct for the woman? There are just too many variables to

take into consideration when trying to make moral decisions for all cultures to

follow. If we were to use a set standard we would have to judge people and

their culture. And who is to say that one culture and its people are right,

and that the other is wrong? In ancient Egypt people were allowed to marry

their brothers and sisters. In most of today’s cultures that is morally and

ethical ly wrong.

The reasoning behind this change in marriage styles results from

scientific research. Scientists have found that over time inbreeding causes a

higher rate of birth defects among the offspring. This fact has influenced

many of the ?developed’ cultures to outlaw inbreeding. Does this mean that the

Egyptians were morally wrong because they did not have the scientific knowledge

about inbreeding that we have today? utilitarians would have us believe yes.

They would state that the only moral way to have acted, would be to not inbreed

due to the fact that it causes harm, thus unhappiness, to the offspring. If

this is true, how are we sure that we are not morally wrong in what we do, if in

five or ten years into the future science discovers that what we consider

morally right now is harming us physically? This is where the beauty of

Relativism comes into focus. Relativism would say that neither culture is

right, or wrong. Relativism would state that each culture would decide, on an

individual basis, what it would consider morally and ethically right. Our

modern society is full of diversity among cultures. There are no set rules and

morals that we can follow because of that very fact. People are different, and

to judge them by any other standards than their own is morally and ethically

wrong in itself. Relativism warns us, quite rightly, about the danger of

assuming that all our preferences are based on some absolute rational standard.

They are not. Many (but not all) of our practices are merely particular to our

society and our own personal preference, and it is easy to lose sight of that

fact. These are the reasons that I believe that Relativism best answers the

question, is there a set standard of morals and ethics for all to live by, or

does each community, culture and individual create its own?

Now that I have touched on more of a Cultural Relativistic view, I would

now like to apply the same theory to an individual. I believe individuals have

the same kind of freedom to design their moral truths in a way that suits them,

separate from their community. Thus, just because a society sets a standard of

morals, there is nothing prohibiting an individual from straying from that

standard, besides the society capabilities of enforcing those moral truths.

Assume for a moment there is a community, that enforces all of its moral truths

with the death penalty. When one is deciding to go against those truths, or

not, he would only have to calculate the risk of getting caught. Thus, the old

saying “you can do what ever you want, as long as you can get away with it”,

would be accurate.

A common point that is brought up against Relativism, when applied to

the individual, is the point that according to Relativism it is wrong to say

that one moral truth is right or wrong, because each culture and individual are

allowed to make up their own truths. Then how can a society punish a person

for not following their moral standards? I would reply as follows.

Moralities differ in each society, serving a functional purpose that is unique

to the factors that comprise the area. The differences of all aspects of life

are considered when morals are being produced. Society values are developed in

order to ensure prosperity, stability and harmony; when the values are

threatened, so is the good of the society. In order to maintain social balance,

all members are forced to conform to these values. Those who choose to disobey

societal maxims are banished or ostracized from the community. Social codes

benefit the individual, too, they are not constructed simply for the benefit of

the society as a whole. The reckless behavior of the nonconformist could be

dangerous to an individual’s well being. Thus, these morals, are for the good

of all. However, if a member of the society can break these moral codes and do

so successfully, there is nothing in one’s personal moral code itself wrong with

doing so, except the society instilled guilt that is learned and taught through

the generations. And that is exactly it, because morals are created by the

community, and there are no universal truths, then if you have enough people not

following the moral truths of their community, then the morals for that

community will change accordingly. That is what Cultural relativism is based

on, the community being able to change their set of morals, how else would that

happen if it does not start from the individual level.

From the examples shown in this paper, Cultural and Individual

Relativism clearly is the more logical choice as the theory that best provides a

workable solution to the question of what controls ethics and morality. While

absolutists try to prove that there is one single set of moral rules that can be

used as a guideline in the validation of moral and ethical standards for the

cultures and individuals of the world. The Utilitarians are trying to create a

greater happiness for all involved in the community. And the Kantians are

looking for their universal sense of duty. However they all can be questioned

with this single statement, “if anyone, no matter who, were given the

opportunity of choosing from amongst all the nations of the world the set of

beliefs which he thought brought the most good and happiness, he would

inevitably, after careful considerations of their relative merits, choose that

of his own country. Everyone without exception believes his own native customs,

and the religion he was brought up in, to be the best.” And this discredits the

possibility that one such person can come up with a set of morals, or a true way

to calculate those morals, because in fact everyone is biased to his or her own

moral beliefs. Absolutism is obviously not a feasible solution due to the fact

that the cultures of the world are too radically diverse to ever be able to be

classified under one set of moral and ethical guidelines. I believe the

Utilitarian idea of maximizing the good of the whole is also not feasible, on

account of everyone not agreeing on what makes them the most happy. The

Kantinisen sense of duty is discredited in the same way, on account of

everyone’s sense of duty being different. Although there will never be a moral

or ethical theory that clearly includes all cultures as morally right, the

Relativist theory is by far the most sensible solution offered to us at this


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