Consumer Society Critique


Consumer Society Critique Essay, Research Paper

What do you consider to be the tree most significant shortcoming of consumer

society? Why?”

Widespread consumerism has brought with it many changes in the way people

think and live. While many of these changes have been beneficial, there has

been a trade off. Although for most of its development members of the consumer

society have remained ignorant of them, not willing or able to understand many

of their implications.

Of the many negative aspects of this new way of living, the three I choose

to focus on are its drastic environmental effects, its erosion of morals and

positive social structures, and its ignorance of the many glaring inequalities

in the global community.

The environmental problem I consider to be the most important. All of the

others pale in comparison, for if we no longer have a hospitable earth to live

on, our cultures and equality are of little matter.

The book devotes and entire chapter to covering this topic, but it can be

pared down to one basic point: The current levels of consumption in the

developed industrial nations of the world are non-sustainable. Also worrisome

as the fact that the many developing countries are rushing to follow suit,

seeking the “American Dream” of consumer society.

The unrelenting barrage of advertising around the world has fostered and

ideal that to be happy one must consume. The products themselves have nearly

lost meaning, buried beneath a pile of marketing inspired symbolism. While the

add-men have done a good job at convincing people of what the need (”creating

want”), they have ignored many of the negative results of their actions.

The average citizen in the US uses 1.5 to 7 times more basic materials and

ores than the world average, consuming goods and energy at levels only dreamed

of by the average person on earth. Economists have already shown that it is

impossible for everyone on the planet to reach US consumption levels, simply due

to lack of resources. Even at current consumption levels, the environment

continues to degrade, with the US leading in greenhouse gas emotions, as well as

scores of other types of pollution we are only now beginning to realize to full

effects of.

Current technologies focus more on the easy way out, the no sustainable

way. Recycling has not become widely used because it is more expensive.

Products that are known to be hazardous to the environment are slowly replaced

or outlawed when they happen to be the cheapest or most easily available type.

The average person in one of the highest consuming countries uses more

disposable products; more prepackaged and processed foods, more fossil fuels

than anywhere else.

With no regard to the long-term effects, the consumer society uses as much

as it can and expands as fast as it can. If it is to last for any long period

of time, a serious look needs to be taken at different non-destructive, less

energy and resource intensive ways of doing things. Although current systems

seem to be working fine, the resources and energy relied on may not be so easily

available in the future.

The most subtle yet also most pervasive of the three problems is the

social one. In a media saturated culture such as in consumer societies, the

average person receives more exposure to the media’s ideas and values than ever


This doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing, however the way in which

that exposure is used is the cause of what I consider to be another of the big

problems. The media’s current major use is to sell products and nothing else.

Every large media network revolves around its advertising, with even its

programming containing subtle reinforcement of the consumer ethic.

The corporations have the minds of the people in their hands, able to

convince them of almost anything through a continuous barrage of repetitive

advertisement that is often difficult to escape. The messages they are sending

are generally not those of good overall intention, but those merely intended to

sell the most products or services to the most viewers.

The media and its advertising is so pervasive that few realize that there

is anything else but to consume more and more and more, just like they see the

happy people on TV doing. The old ways of entertainment have declined

noticeably since the introduction of TV and radio as mass media’s. People are

drawn away from the old formal social structures of religion and hobby, after

all it is so easy to just sit at home and watch TV.

The problem with this is that the people then begin to turn to the TV and

the messages it brings as a replacement for the social structures and

relationships of old. The healthy social environments of the neighborhood and

community are eroded, people now content to sit at home and watch TV instead of

getting out and being part of their communities. The old leaders, the priests,

rabbi, union leaders, even the elderly all have less clout than they used to,

the TV has now taken their place as the #1 authority on everything from how to

dress to what to eat to how to ask a girl on a date.

The implications of this change are staggering. The result: An entire

society of people becoming more and more reliant on the media to shape their

values, morals, and views of the world. And who holds the control of this?

Well for the most part someone who is only worried about getting as much money

as possible. Not a pleasant thought, considering that there are a lot of

problems in the world already, yet the controllers of the media are more

concerned about their business and are willing to manipulate their viewers to

turn a blind eye to any issues that may threaten them.

This also ties into the first problem, as many of these media controllers

really don’t care much for the environment (it is not profitable to in most

cases) and thus try to push their views on this in their programming, helping to

convince the people that there really isn’t a problem and that everything is ok.

The third problem is inequality present in this world. This issue tends

to be the hardest to face and understand due to its difficulty to see from the

view of an “affluent 1st world country citizen”.

The fact that over 1 billion people don’t have clean water, or that 4/5 of

the worlds population only make up ~15% of its economic activity should come as

a shock to those that have always lived in the realm of prosperity. In many

ways the rest of the world is living in relative poverty, in comparison to what

has been attained in the form of quality of life by the 1st world countries.

If we are to ensure prosperity for humanity everywhere, many of these

inequalities must be addressed. It has already been established that we are now

a global community. Actions of some can have an effect on all; one example is

how the poor people of the world are forced to put unnecessary strain on the

environment just to survive.

While “affluent society” has brought with it problems, it has also brought

quite sophisticated attempts at solving them. In many poorer 3rd world

countries, the laws and systems for dealing with things such as pollution and

false advertising are non-existent or ineffective at best. People in these

countries are spurred on to attain the “American Dream” of the West by

international corporate advertisements, yet their governments have not had time

to evolve the systems for dealing with many of the side-effects of this


Overall these issues prove to be some of the greatest and most difficult

to understand and solve of humanities problems in the 21st century. Many

nations currently have a quality of life only dreamed of by previous generations

of inhabitants, but with this come a price. While it may not always be easy to

see it for what it is, rest assured that this price is being paid everyday

weather we realize it or not, and no amount of propaganda is going to make it go


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