The Consumer And The Gimmik


The Consumer And The Gimmik Essay, Research Paper

??????? Today there are many factors that hurt the music industry.? One factor involves the way we push musicians into allowing the industry to popularize one good song thus forgetting the rest of the album.? We the consumers have somehow been satisfied with just one good song from one mediocre band.? Perhaps there is a simple formula for disaster.? First the song is played on the radio and then the video is constantly on MTV, thus causing us to get tired of the music.? It’s as easy as that!

??????? We sit and whine about not hearing enough from our favorite band, but once they come out with new music we smother ourselves in it. We then get sick of it and are left looking for something new to fulfill our cravings.?? This is when we, the monster consumers of music, decide to take our interest to the next hit song.? It’s not all our fault.?? You have to put at least some blame on the bands themselves.? They feel that it is part of their job to indulge our wants.? We as lovers of what these songwriters do are appalled and disgusted by hearing anything but the best from our favorite bands.? Once we have what we want it’s not long before we want more.? This is because we consume the musicians’ talents like a fast food happy meal.? We open the box, take out the toy, throw away the contents, and then bitch about being hungry.? When we do this we always say, “It’s a cool song, but they are a one hit wonder.”? We the hungry consumer do not give the bands a chance to show their true musical talents.? One example involves the group Verve Pipe and their hit song “The Freshman.”? This songs LP was out in December.? No one noticed it until halfway through the month of March.? “The Freshman” was played every thirty minutes on the radio and fifteen times a day on MTV.? This in my opinion results in the complete overplay of one bands hit song.? Now we consider them a “One hit wonder.”? The Verve Pipe has more good music, but who is to say that anyone will ever hear it?

??????? Another thing that hurts the industry is the reliance on gimmicks.? Finding?? talent in a band that relies on gimmicks is as easy as lifting a three-hundred pound man above you head.? Sure for some it is easy, but for others it’s damn near impossible.? A few bands that rely on gimmicks are Marilyn Manson and basically any rapper you can think of off the top of your head.? Sure there are a few rappers that have produced good songs, but many rappers rely very heavily on gangster mentality and vulgar language.? These gimmicks make rap music liked by those who see their music as a way of breaking social norms.? It’s the attitude of these rappers that say, “I don’t care if my music is offensive because that’s what I grew up with.”? Is this really true?? Is it really their momma’s fault that every song they write relies on vulgar language and gang-banging situations?? It’s simply a way to keep their music popular because that’s what kids want to hear.? If the kids keep pumping out the cash, then the music industry will keep producing the vulgar and obscene records.? This causes the industry to be run by bad mouthed money makers.

??????? Another band that relies heavily on gimmicks is Marilyn Manson.? Marilyn Mansons small band of social screwups owe it to themselves to perhaps step back and see that he is not a heroic leader, but more like a ringleader at a circus.? I truly don’t believe that he is a leader of the Satanic Brotherhood, but that he could possibly travel with a circus and perform in his own side-show.? This is something that I personally believe is not worth following.? This just shows how crazy one man can pretend to be.? He creates some crazy satanic album and then he just sits back and watches as the money and fans roll in.

??????? Marilyn Mansons music is however very potent.? Even I have been pulled in by a small portion of his music.? I love his remake of “Sweet Dreams,” and I also think that his song “Beautiful People” is awesome.? I am just one of many prime examples of how one person who is disgusted by all of the gimmicks can easily be pulled in by creating or even recreating catchy tunes.

??????? It’s gimmicks and consumer consumption that I feel make up relatively ninety-five percent of all that is bad with the music industry today.? Sure you still have the bands like Beck that try to show how to break those gimmicks by poking fun at the very heart of all that they stand for, but there are also bands that are strictly about making music.? It doesn’t matter if you like their music or not.? This decision is up to you.? It seems to me that these are the types of bands that are much happier making music and not just making money.? Gimmicks stand for failure within music and disaster for any decent and talented musician whose dreams were shattered by some gimmick reliant one hit wonder.? Maybe one reason that kids follow gimmicks is that since time began they have always wanted something there to grab hold of and to call their own.? I think that some bands that I consider gimmick bands try to give the kids something to take a hold of.?? Even though in my opinion only one or two out of twenty of these bands will be around for a sophomore record release.

??????? Today we are all fixed on ourselves.? We say things like, “I want to hear a new single” and “I want to see new videos.”? The problem is that when we finally do hear these songs we are quick to make opinions on them.? We still listen to music but we no longer hear it.? All bands are seeing is dollar signs and all the consumers are seeing is a group of lyrics and some catchy tunes.

??????? I feel that new bands are not taken as seriously now as they were in the past.? When we get hungry we eat.? Perhaps the same food over and over again.? How often do we try something new though?? This relates very well to the music industry.? We are quick to spin the same records, but how often do we try out a new band?? We very rarely give the new guys a fair chance.? I feel that everything in the music industry has been going down hill for quite some time.? We have to change our ways.? The next time you take a crap don’t flush right away.? Just stand up and look in the bowl because what you see is exactly where the music industry is heading in the future.? All that it’s going to take to ruin it is a simple flush.





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