Many Canadian Laws Are Not Being Applied


Many Canadian Laws Are Not Being Applied To Protect The Society As A Whole. Essay, Research Paper

Society revolves around law and order. Laws are to protect the rights of people. If they weren t put in place, the world would be complete chaos. At some point, laws can reach a level of ridiculousness. Canada s present day laws are not being applied adequately.

We live in a world where some people don t have any standards of their own. And because of that, society has to set the standards for them. But the laws have to be enforced because people will still break them. Judges, officers, and many other people are against strict punishment. They believe that criminals can change. They want to give them a second chance. Basically, that s a dream world.

Many people believe that criminal activity starts as a child, and that it s because of family issues . They grew up in a home where there was abuse, and they think this is normal. But in most cases, it s not family issues. In many instances, immigrants are involved. There are mobs in China conning people. They are saying Canada is great, you can get a job, live free, have a perfect life. So a Chinese man and his family will consider coming. It s not that simple. Later, the mob says, it s $60,000 each to go, and if y all can t pay it, you ll work for me in Canada for the rest of your life. And while the person is in Canada, because Canada s immigration allowed them in, they cannot afford to pay the fee. There are threats on the family, and that leads to criminal activity and/or prostitution. Do Canadians really want immigration authorities letting in these criminal elements?

Until Canada adopts the capital punishment program, many lives will still be at stake. For instance, one of Canada s worst killers; Clifford Olsen. Olsen murdered and raped many helpless young children. He taunts the victim s families with mail and pictures of their dead child. Clifford is forced to be put in a separate cell because if he were put with the other criminals, he would be dead in a second. It s just not acceptable to hurt helpless kids. Clifford Olsen is a case where the law has gone wrong. He should have been executed. He s better dead than alive. Society wants criminals gone. Victims want criminals gone. Although it seems unfair to victims, Los Angeles has decided to give criminals a chance to change. Its the three strikes, you re out program. It seems to be working, and Canada needs to experiment with its laws.

There are two points of view on capital punishment. The majority of people believe capital punishment is valid. However, some believe it is murder. Canada is getting to the point where because it is in so much debt, the country cannot afford to keep criminals in jail. That s why Canada needs to get rid of the horrific murderers. If a criminal takes a person s life away, the cost should be his or her own life. Perhaps it is murder to enforce capital punishment, but nevertheless, how can society sleep knowing they could be next?

Victim s rights are ignored by society. It is the victim, and their families that become the prisoners. They allow a stranger to seize control of their lives. There are two weaknesses in society: kids who can t defend themselves from abuse, and seniors who are weak and unable to protect themselves. Most senior citizens went to war for this country yet society isn t protecting them. Home invasions are the main threat to older people. Criminals break into their home, and rob them of their lives. Seniors need self-defense, they need guns. Even with guns, they can t always be protected. With Canada s laws in place, a person cannot use a weapon unless it is for self-defense. So as a result of no protection, victims will spend the rest of their lives in fear, paying for what one man has done.

A weapon s effectiveness lies in its mere existence. Guns are believed to be one of the most dangerous tools on the planet. Many people believe that guns are wrong, an influence to murderers; while the majority of people object and believe that it s a form of self-defense. Banning guns is not the answer. Guns are completely safe until someone pulls the trigger. It is the population, pressure, and anger that makes a finger pull the trigger.

There is a desperate need for change in the justice system. However, everyone has a different opinion, which makes it extremely hard to form new laws. It s like living in a glass house, and dangerously hurling rocks at each other. Maybe because there is so much hatred in this world, nothing will change. Criminals haven t been taught right from wrong, and that s what needs to happen. Nevertheless, Canada needs to enforce its laws to protect society.

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