Bio Of Anne Frank


Bio Of Anne Frank Essay, Research Paper

The Diary of Anne Frank

Anne Frank s Diary is sometimes considered by most people to be a novel. Frank s diary is not a novel, but a true diary kept by a young Jewish girl for two years that she was forced to be in hiding by the Nazi persecution of the Jews of Europe. The event recounted in Anne Frank s diary take place during World War II. Most people believe that if it had not been for Hitler that this war would more than likely have never taken place. During this time period, Nazis were instructed to kill off a certain part of the population, mostly Jews ad Gypsies. By the time the war ended the Nazis had succeeded in killing six million Jews. That is two-thirds of the total number of Jews in the world.

Anne Frank was about a thirteen year old, Jewish girl who writes in a diary while in hiding from the Nazis. Anne s father (Otto Frank) is a Jewish businessman who left Germany after Hitler s rise to power, hoping to find refuge in Holland. Anne s mother, (Mrs. Frank) is the main source of conflicts with Anne during the two years that the family spends in hiding. The Van Daan s are another Jewish family that shares the annex in which the Frank s are staying. Mr. Van Daan and Mr. Frank are Jewish business associates. Mr. Koophuis, a Dutch Gentile business associate of Mr. Frank and Mr. Van Daan, takes over running the business while all Jews have been forbidden to employ Gentiles. He helps hide the group as well as obtain supplies for them. Miep and Elli also work for the business and they work to hide the group and obtain supplies for them.

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