Suicide 4


Suicide 4 Essay, Research Paper


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the third leading cause of death for those ages 15 to 24, surpassed only by car accidents and homicide. This unfortunately makes teen suicide a common event. Suicide rates jump in the teen years due to many factors, including greater access to lethal weapons, such as firearms, greater access to drugs and alcohol, and greater access to motor vehicles. Things can become very hard in a person s life at that age. Sometimes anger or pain at the time can overcome a person s common sense causing them to take out stupid or regretful actions.

Teens are in a transitional period between childhood and adulthood, and this can lead to confusion and anxiety at times. Teens with an adequate support network of friends, family, religious affiliation, peer groups, or extracurricular activities may have an outlet to deal with their everyday frustrations. Teens without an adequate support network, however, may feel disconnected and isolated from their family and peer group. It’s these teens who are at increased risk for suicide if they are unable to deal with their problems. Feeling of inadequacy and worthlessness are major risk factors for suicide. A teen, for example, who experiences repeated failures at school, who is overwhelmed by violence at home, who is isolated from peers, or one who faces pressure from parents or authority figures is likely to experience such feelings. Sometimes teens will attempt to numb the pain of those feelings with alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse is a major risk factor for suicide.

Teens are most likely to consider suicide at certain times in their lives, particularly if they have suffered a loss. Failures at school, breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, the death of a loved one, a divorce – all of these risk factors can be triggers for dangerous behavior. Some of the major warning signs that a person thinking of suicide may show are, withdrawal from friends and family, inability to concentrate, talk of suicide, dramatic changes in personal appearance, loss of interest in favorite activities, expressions of hopelessness or excessive guilt, self-destructive behavior (such as reckless driving, drug abuse, and promiscuity), preoccupation with death, bequeathal of favorite possessions.

After noticing the warning signs, one can think to himself how terrible a thing it is, but the question what can I do about it comes to mind. Although you may feel powerless, there are a number of things you can do to help a friend who is going through a difficult time. Make sure your he/she has someone he can confide in. If your peer feels you don’t understand, suggest a more neutral person – a parent, a priest, a coach, or a school counselor. Don’t attempt to minimize or discount what your friend is going through. This will only reinforce his/her sense of hopelessness. Always express your love, concern, and support. Don’t postpone seeing a doctor. Your peer should be evaluated for depression so that treatment can begin immediately. Finally express to your friend that with help he/she will begin to feel better and his problems can be overcome.

Although it is never your job to single-handedly prevent your friend from attempting suicide, you can help by first reassuring your friend, then going to a trusted adult as soon as possible. If necessary, you can call your local emergency number or the toll-free number of a suicide crisis line. However you go about finding assistance for your friend, you must involve an adult – even if you think you can handle your friend on your own, this may not be the case.

When someone commits suicide, the people around him/her may become very depressed and even think about suicide themselves. It’s important to know that you should never blame yourself for someone’s death. You could question yourself forever, which will only make you unhappy and won’t bring your friend back. It’s also good to know that any emotion you feel is appropriate; there is no right or wrong way to feel. Many schools will address the problem of a student’s suicide head-on and call in special counselors to talk with students and help them deal with their feelings. If you are having difficulty dealing with a friend or classmate’s suicide, it’s best to make use of these resources or talk to a trusted adult. Feeling grief after a friend commits suicide is normal ; it’s when it begins to interfere with your everyday life that you may need to speak with someone about your feelings.

Sometimes when a person feels they need to run or escape from their problem suicide may come to mind. Every person in this world once in his or her life considers suicide. For some the question may be brief but for others it could be taken into deep thought and maybe even attempted or carried out. No matter how bad or painful the problems suicide is not the answer. Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem.


Quinnett, Paul. Suicide: The Forever Decision. New York: The Continuum Publishing Company, 1992.

SIEC Website. Suicide Information and Education Center– draft. [Web page] Feb 1997; [Accessed 06 Oct 1999].

Catechism of the Catholic Church. Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1995.

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