Scholar What Does It Mean


Scholar: What Does It Mean? Essay, Research Paper

To be a student is one thing, but to be a scholarly student is a great thing. Webster Dictionary defines the word scholar as one who had done advanced study in a special field. Scholarly characteristics are exemplified in special students like myself who had work diligently in school to achieve a certain status here at Grambling State University. I am an athlete as well as a student that maintains a 3.40 g.p.a. Many attributes untied together make up a scholar. Being a scholar at an institution of higher learning is a good thing. This accomplishment does not happen by chance, but acquire. There are restriction, extent, standards, and goals that help with the composition of a scholar.

Studious is simply to be devoted to study. High school and college are very different. In high school I really didn t have to study that must to make the grades that I wanted. Now that I am on the collegiate level, the level of learning has change drastically. The first thing I learned was that the only way that I was going to fully concentrate on my work was for me not to study in my room. I made the choice of going to the library to study and do class work.

Time management skills are important for yearning scholars. Studying should have restrictions and extents. It should be done for length of time, and on the other hand too much studying is not recommended. Preparing before and having planned schedules conserve time.

I am full time student and participate on the Grambling State University Track and Field team. being a scholar is something that I work hard for, but being an student-athlete scholar is a dream. This essay describe the strategies and exemplify the meaning of the word scholar.

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