Historical Analogies Have A Great And Significant


Historical Analogies Have A Great And Significant Value To Everyone Essay, Research Paper

Historical Analogies Have A Great and Significant Value to Everyone

Historical analogies have a great and significant value to everyone.

They are used compare past wars and events, such as World War 1 and Vietnam.

They could be used as guidelines for the future, and a reminder of the past.

?All human events possess unique qualities, thus making reasoning by

historical analogy a precarious enterprise.? as described in our historical

analogy packet, ?The future has no place to come from but the past, hence the

past has predictive value.? Meaning that almost every course we take in life, it

somehow relates to the past, which could be compared with past events to the

future in order to show negative and positive consequences of historical events.

For example, after World War II, the United States had realized aggressions from

Japan, Italy, and Germany should have been halted way before those powers became

so strong that only a major World War could stop them. And now with question in

everyone’s mind whether or not our troops should be sent into Iraq in order to

stop the mad man Sudan Hussein before he turns to great of a power and only a

major World War could stop him. Also, as a reference to the past would be the

killing of all the Jews by Hitler compared to what Sudan Hussein is doing right

now to the Croats. Hundreds of thousands died during Hitler’s evil rage and now

with Sudan Hussein practicing the same methods, action should be taken.

I think historical analogy is very important and serves a great value.

With historical analogy we can see positive and negative consequences from past

events and could use these results to avoid certain situations. As said before, ?

The future has no place to come from but the past, hence the past has predictive


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