Ty Cobb Made Up Story


Ty Cobb (Made Up Story) Essay, Research Paper

Tyrus Raymond Cobb was born December 18, 1886 in The Narrows, Georgia.

From the very beginning, he took after the city and became one of baseball’s most stubborn and hated men. Ty Cobb is, by bald statistics, measurably the greatest hitter ever.He won twelve batting titles in thirteen years, including a record nine in a row. He also holds the records for the most runs scored with 2,245 and the highest lifetime batting average at .367, a number nearly unreachable even in just one season by today’s standards. Other records he set that have since been broken: 3,034 games played, 4,191 hits, 892 stolen bases, 392 outfield assists, 1,136 extra base hits, and 1,961 runs batted in. He also struck out just 357 times in 11,429 times at bat, a phenomenal achievement. Everyone thought that his talent was natural. Everyone was wrong. He was really a human with super strengths. He only would use his ability for good (baseball).Until his long time enemy Babe Ruth started a bank robbing spree. Cobb went into action going to all the robbed banks to find out were Ruth would hit next. He found some information but nothing useful. So he called on his other crime fighting buddy.Jason William s was at a scrimmage when he got the call. Jason immediately dropped what he was doing to go to Cobbs aid. When Jason met with Cobb ,Ruth had already hit 3 other banks but finally they had a lead on were Ruth was going to hit next. They went into action to stop it.Jason and Cobb went to the First National bank because they knew Ruth was going to rob it next because of a lead they got from one of Ruth s former teammates. They hide as security guards so Ruth wouldn t know they were on his trail. They stood there for hours without a sign of Ruth.Then all of the sudden 3 masked men came running in with guns. It was Ruth and his partners , Ted William s and Deion Sanders. Jason and Cobb hid in the corner and wait for the right time. Then when the attention was on the money they jumped out.Jason distracted Ted by trash talking him while Cobb did a supper slide with his metal cleats ,which took out Ted. Then Jason through a no look pass at Ruth which took off his head.Jason launched his lighting bolt pass at Deion but Deion caught the ball and popped it. Cobb saw what happened so he threw Jason Ruth s head that was lying on the ground.Jason caught the head and did a behind the back pass to Deion. Deion was to slow for the head with knocked him out.Cobb and Jason returned all the money to the banks accept for 50,000 dollars which some how disappeared. They both retired and moved to Mexico until they were needed again.

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