Sysco Cooks Up Sucess


Sysco Cooks Up Sucess Essay, Research Paper

Matthew Ruscigno

6. Legislator from non ? tobacco growing state, up for re-election.

1. Yes I do believe tobacco companies should be allowed to continue selling cigarettes. Taking this side probably strengthens my chance of getting re-elected, because if I take the opposite stance, I wouldn?t get any smokers to vote for me, and probably a large portion of the population are smokers.

2. Yes there should be restrictions on advertising of cigarettes. There shouldn?t be any television ads or billboards; it should be limited to magazines. Also, cartoon characters should not be used, the ads should contain older adults, and appear in magazines only adults would read.

3. Yes I do think taxes should be increased, I don?t think it would have a great affect on sales. Sales might go down slightly, but I don?t think a tax increase will deter many smokers from buying cigarettes. Cigarettes are addictive and people are going to buy them as long as prices aren?t astronomical.

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