Numskull And The Rabbit


Numskull And The Rabbit Essay, Research Paper

Numskull and the Rabbit

The Indian people use animals in their fables, and give them

Certain attributes of people to convey the flaws in humans. The

story of the Numskull and the Rabbit is used to show kings how

to manage their kingdom, by giving certain examples, such as of

how the lion (king of the jungle) is deceived or how one can be

caught up by issues and problems. This story also shows that if one

forgets his people his own flaws can easily over throw him. The

story is about a lion that eats all the animals in his kingdom

without remorse. A deal is made between the king and the animals,

and an animal is sent to the lion each day to be eatten, one day a

rabbit is sent to the lion and he tricks the lion into falling to his


This story is a fable, which has many different lessons to tell

to a king. A king who madly butchers men, There lives as little

reconed as lives of goats ,has one square meal ,but never has a

second. This story tells the king that if he kills his loyal subjects he

will never have enough when he really needs them. A single

archer from a wall A hundred foes forfends; And so the military

art A fortress recommands. This little story tells a king that a

good fortress will over come many foes. A worrior faling to

compare two hosts,in mad desire for battle, plunges like a moth

headforemost into fire. This story says that if an oppenet is not

compared to one s own, then you can fall, also to never rush into

battle. These parables or stories can attribute to a well governed

kingdom. If these stories are applied by a king then his reign will

live forever. The lesson to learn from this story is to always try to

see the repercussions of your actions,if not they will find the down

fall of you.

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