Knowing Minds Of Others


Knowing Minds Of Others Essay, Research Paper

Knowing Minds of Others

Is it possible to know what is going on in another person?s mind? I wouldn?t say

that it is possible to know what is going on in another person?s mind, but I would say that

you can have a pretty good idea of what is going on in their mind.

I don?t think that there is any possibility that anyone could know what is going on

in someone else?s mind without having that person be hooked up to some kind of

electrical devise that outputs what is going on in their mind. Then and only then do I think

that that is the only way someone can tell what someone else is thinking.

With the example of having a pretty good idea of what is going on in someone

else?s head; I have three friends that are girls and they are pretty much inseparable, but

when they are apart they always know what the other one is doing and have a pretty good

idea of what they are thinking and doing at that particular time. They know each other so

well that they can finish each others sentences, just look at each other and know what the

other one is probably thinking, and kind of sense what the other one is thinking and might


Going back to the question of being able to know what is going on in another

person?s mind; Like I said before, I don?t believe that there is a way that someone can

possibly know what is going on in another person?s mind. Of course, people will say that

there are psychics that can know what is going on in someone else?s mind or be able to

know of things that only that person would know. This is all fake because psychics have a

way of luring out things from people and making them think that they know things about

them or know what they are thinking or feeling.

I have some really good friends that I have know all of my life, and we know

pretty much everything about each other. Even though we know so much about each

other, there is no way that any of us could know what is going on in each other?s mind.

Of course, we can have a pretty good idea of what each other is thinking, but we can?t

know what the other person or person?s is thinking.

I mean, there are times when someone has asked us a question and one of us has

answered for all of us because of the fact that we know each other so well and we know

the other people would say or how they would respond. But that doesn?t mean that you

know what someone else is thinking, that only mean that you probably know the other

people to well.

Let?s say that you have to go and get something for one of your friend?s birthday;

so some of your friends and you go out and find something. You all know of what he/she

likes and when you are out shopping you see many things, but then you always seem to

find something that always sticks out and this something is what you and your friends all

know your other friend will like, because you know just about everything about your

friend and what he/she likes.

Everyone has been in situations where they try to look a certain way or act a

certain way around people to make those people think a certain way about them. They

worry too much about what others may think about them, they try to figure out what

others are thinking and this is impossible.

Some times people try to figure out what is going on in another person?s mind by

looking at them. Facial expressions show greatly what people are feeling and these

feelings are related to the thoughts going on in other people?s minds. But, you can never

totally rely on the facial expressions of people to tell you what is going on in their minds.

Some people hide their true feelings behind these faces and display the opposite or

whatever seems to fit the situation. If you really know the person really good, these facial

expressions don?t do them any good. Sometimes body expressions can show or tell what

is going on in another person?s mind. The way people use their hands and body display

what is going on in their minds and this is a way to tell what they might be thinking. But,

this doesn?t mean you can totally know what is going on in another person?s mind, it only

gives you a good idea of what others may be thinking in their minds.

When you ask a person this question, whether it is possible to know what is going

on in another person?s mind, it takes them awhile to respond. While they are thinking

about the question, you yourself are wondering what is going on in their head and if they

are going to answer the same way you did or if they are going to have a totally different

answer supported with evidence. The person you asked the question to is probably

wondering if they can know what you are thinking also.

Everyday we all go through life wondering many things and this question, is it

possible to know what is going on in another person?s mind, is probably on everyone?s

mind at least once everyday. We all wonder whether we can know what other people are

thinking and if they are thinking the same thing as us or different. At times it would be

awesome to always know what other people are thinking, it would make things easier for

us. But, it could also be a bad thing to know what others are thinking all the time. In

many situations people could be hurt by what others are thinking and many times we

would rather not know what others are thinking all the time, they would rather just go on

with life as it is.

I, myself, do not believe that it is possible to know what is going on in another

person?s mind and I am glad that is it that way. If it wasn?t that way nobody would have

any privacy and no personality. Finally, I say that it is possible for many people to have a

good idea of what others are thinking but not to totally know exactly what they are

thinking. It is physically and mentally impossible for that to happen.

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