Elizabeth Bennet Of Pride And Prejudice


Elizabeth Bennet Of Pride And Prejudice Essay, Research Paper

Jane Austen , author of Pride and Prejudice, portrays Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist, as an extremely attractive character. Her beautiful smile and expressive eyes only add to the atteniton she receives from her good sense of humor and witty personality. Elizabeth’s all around beauty make for an easily liked and respected character. Elizabeth’s assurance of herself gives her a critical mind that allows her to doubtful to believe only the best in everyone. Her ability to speak her mind to everyone and anyone sometimes cause conflict between her and the more prominent elders in society. Lady Catherine de Bourgh’s insolence and greed make an easy target for Eizabeth to practice her teasing wit on. Her sparkling character displeases Lady Catherine, who later confronts Elizabeth and blatently disapproves of the romance between her and Mr. Darcy. This disapproval ignites Elizabeth’s desire to choose Mr. Darcy and make herself happy.

Throughout the novel Elizabeth makes mistakes in judging two important characters and sticks stubbornly to that judgment. The irony in this judgment only exists because Elizabeth usually judges people correctly. The ability to size people up leads her too far some times. Her supposed reasonable first impressions lead to definite wrong conclusions in some cases. The confidence she possesses, or pride and prejudice, lead her into her worst mistakes. Austen begins the novel by portraying Elizabeth as an attractive, independent, and admirable character and continues this portrayal til the end. Throughout the novel though, Elizabeth attains many more qualities such as mild arrogance, close mindedness, and compassion. Austen irony exampifies itself in its attempt to fool other people, exactly the main characteristic of Elizabeth Bennet’s personality

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