ComparisonRomeo Juilet Movie And Play


Comparison-Romeo + Juilet Movie And Play Essay, Research Paper

The modern movie version of Romeo + Juliet is a lot better than the original Shakespeare?s play version. In the modern movie Romeo & Juliet, basically everything is easier to understand. The setting is simple and set everywhere. The characters actually go places and not just act every scene out. In the movie there is also a lot of action, and that makes a movie more entertaining. In order for a person to see the movie, you don?t need to understand old English to understand what?s going on. Also, in the movie, the people use better props than in the play. For example, instead of swords they have guns, which adds more excitement and entertainment to the audience. Even though I think that Romeo + Juliet is a good story, I enjoyed watching the movie more than the actual play. It has more drama, action, and comedy, but maybe not as good acting.

If you watch a Romeo + Juliet play, in it?s original and unchanged version, everything would be hard to understand. One of the most confusing things about old plays is the language. For example in Romeo + Juliet the language is basically old English and hard to understand. Even seeing it in writing would be difficult to understand for someone my age. Another really horrid thing I find with plays like Romeo + Juliet is that they don?t have much action, or suspense.

Overall I think that the movie Romeo + Juliet is better than the original play. There is more comedy, action suspense and it would appeal to a younger audience better.

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