
CiA Essay, Research Paper

The Central Intellegence Agency?s Part In Watergate

There are different things in Watergate that the CIA did. First here are some people in the

CIA that had to do with the Watergate Scandal

Richard M Hekms: He was the director of the Central Intelegence agency until december

1972. He told the agency to stay away from any watergate connections. He was told by

John D. Enhrlichman to aid in the cover up, but he didn?t ultimately comply. He was

replaced as director of the CIA and later served as embassador to Iran, then he opened a

consulting firm in D.C.

Howerd E Hunt Jr: he was a former CIA agent and a former White House Conultant. he

was invoved in doing dirty tricks in the 1972 presidential campain. Including the

Gemstone operation which led to the Watergate break-in.He was convicted of these

crimes in 1973 and he served three years in prison. After he lectured and wrote spy novels.

What the CIA Did

First howard hunt told cia agents to do improper illegal acts including making a fake

sychological composit of ______

Like This (these arent actual fake and real exams these are what they migh look like)


Fake Exam

Sychological Exam For pateint 123

We find that ______ is very unstable due to extreme temperal displacements and we

recomend That he go to a hospital for another Exam


Real Exam

Sychological exam for patient 123

We find that ______ is perfetly fine he just has had a few childhood problems and he is no

danger to anyone



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