Character Of Beowulf


Character Of Beowulf Essay, Research Paper

The Character of Beowulf

Beowulf is a truly unique character in the realm of Anglo-Saxon poetry. Two main traits that make him stand out are his assertiveness and his yearning for fame. Beowulf shows incredible courage and confidence by slaying both Grendel and his mother. Grendel was very fierce, yet Beowulf never doubted that he could not defeat him. Beowulf used the element of surprise and his great strength to defeat the ogre, Grendel. Beowulf also showed great bravery when he swam through the mere to reach Grendel s vengeful mother and retrieve the corpse of Grendel as a trophy. Beowulf is also confident socially. This is especially evident in a confrontation he has with Unferth. Unferth accuses him of losing a swim match to a boy named Brecca. Beowulf promptly corrects the Dane s assumptions with a few words and then informs the rest of Heorot Grendel might not be such a problem if you [Unferth] were as sharp in battle as you are in words (596). This bit of audacity spoken by Beowulf proves that he is a man to be reckoned with.

Beowulf goes to Heorot to add to his reputation. He has already achieved prior fame by killing a tribe of giants and defending his homeland (418).

Reputation is a key theme in the poem, and killing enemies often achieves it. Beowulf wants to be the knight in shining armor to the Danes. He is a young warrior, perhaps conceited, but nonetheless courageous.

Beowulf comes to the land of the Danes seeking fame, and will stop at nothing to achieve it, even in old age. He is a true hero.

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