August Wilson Poet


August Wilson (Poet) Essay, Research Paper

August Wilson August Wilson, born in Pittsburgh, PA. August Wilson began his writing career in grade school. A famous writer who never finish high school. His writing was strongly influenced by the lyric and music of the blues. August Wilson won two Pulitzer Prizes for his plays, which depict the black experience in America. Fences in 1987 and The Piano Lesson in 1990. ‘He was the founder of the Minnesota Black Horizons Theater Company. During the late sixty August Wilson became involved in the civil right movement and begun to describe himself as a black nationalist ‘. Wilson currently lives in Seattle Washington, with his wife Constanza Romero.Sandra Shannon reports, “Doing August’s plays it is a different as doing Shakespeare, because you are doing poetry. There are lots of biblical richness of language and character in every word” (1).The fences that Troy and Cory are building around the house is the most important part of this play. Troy and Cory are building a realistic fence around the house, and Troy is building a larger fence between himself and everyone else in this play. Troy, throughout this play always reference death and baseball plays, which made me feel like he was wondering off and he concerned me about being suicidal (1.1.38-43). Death of a Salesman, Willie was the controlling person of the house hold. He was very uncompassionate, very confused, had suicidal ways, of which he would see imaginary people talking to him. He also put wounds in his family that could never be healed (1.1.18-24).

By the end of the Fences, every character except Raynell is institutionalized, Rose in the church, Lyons in the Penitentiary, Gabriel in the mental hospital, and Cory in the U.S. Marines. Troy has create a fence himself, some intended to keep people out, some to keep people in. Hopefully the only free person is Raynell, Troy’s daughter, the hope for the future.

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