Owl Pellet Research Data And Results


Owl Pellet Research Data And Results Essay, Research Paper

Over the past two weeks, we have done extensive research on the pellet of the

common barn owl. Our findings have been quite astounding. We have found that our

pellet in particular is roughly 4.5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and exactly 5.278

grams in weight. Compared to the other pellets researched, ours was essentially

the same from the outside, but the findings inside were quite unique. While

searching through the owl pellet, we discovered two, fully grown vole skeletons.

Finding them out wasn?t much of a daunting task, since every bone we found

happened to match up with a vole. There were no other animal bones to possibly

throw us off.

A biomass, by definition, is Plant material, vegetation, or agricultural

waste used as a fuel or energy source. Biomass is important to our research in

this study because it helps us understand how much energy the owl is taking in

compared to other animals. It also shows how much the average owl is eating, all

using the same units.

Graphs A and B are similar, yet very different at the same time. Graph A

showed only what animals the owls ate and how many of them, but Graph B showed

the amount of energy each owl had consumed, something that?s much easier to

use to compare the owls.

The evidence that shows that a food web exists is the fact that the owl may

eat everything from voles to mice, and some of these animals may eat other

animals, and those will feed on the grasses and vegetation, which may be eaten

by other animals, and so on, interlocking all of these animals into one giant

complicated food web.

The things we have gained for the real world from this project is that we

learned to work as a group together. We also learned accuracy amongst ourselves

and to create a professional level project.

My collogue and I have both taken in much knowledge from this project. We

have both found out about how much a barn owl consumes, what it consumes, how

much energy it get from that, and what it most commonly eats. We have also

learned about what a professional scientist must go through to find out

information about a simple animal. We have both gained much from this experiment

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