History Of Korean


History Of Korean & Chinese Immigration Essay, Research Paper

The first immigration of Koreans to the North Americas happened in the early 1900??s

near the year 1902. They came to America to work on the sugar plantations in Hawaii.

Later, the government restricted the limit of immigrants from Korea. During the Korean

War many Korean orphans and war brides immigrated to America , approximately

around 20,000 people. Later when the Immigration and Nationality Act was created

and signed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 many Koreans entered the United

States. Around 20,000 to 30,000 Koreans immigrated every year until 1988 when the

Korean Immigration amount slowly declined. In 1992 The L.A. Riot occurred which

raised the immigration of Koreans due to the racist acts of the L.A. riots, burning and

destroying Korean property and stores.

Chinese immigration first started with the ??Gold Rush?? in California around 1848.

Thousands of Chinese people came to do manual labor. They worked in Sugar

Plantations, Mines, Railroads, Vineyards, Fishing Industries, and Factories. Many

Chinese People came to America to find jobs and Americans disliked this which led to

racist acts. Later on the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed in 1882 which allowed no

more Chinese immigrations. When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Dec. 7 of 1941, the

U.S.A and China became allies in World War II which then banished the Chinese

Exclusion Act in 1943. In 1965, the Immigration Act by Lyndon Johnson (like previously

stated) allowed many Chinese into the U.S.

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