Money Makes The World Go Round


Money Makes The World Go Round Essay, Research Paper

Money makes the world go round ” is a popular saying in today’s

society because its true. If you have money, you can get anything imaginable.

Look at O.J. Simpson for example. He was charged with double

murder. If that was a regular person , that trial would of been over a long

time ago. A rich person has the money to hire expensive lawyers , and they

can tie up the system as long as they want.

A jury would be more likely to convict a poor person in stead of

sending a respectable rich one to jail. The jury might think, If he has money ,

why would he rob someone ? Because the fact that he/she is rich ! But this is

just one place where money can play a big factor in life .

Look at the medical field. If you don’t have any money, then you

probably don’t get the best service you can . Its easy to get a bill in the

thousands for a hospital visit or a doctor visits. Some of the medicine out

today is expensive too. Medical care is outrageous , so if you don’t have any

money you won’t get the best service and care you need or want in today’s

world .

Everything today is a profit. Look at all the major companies in the

world today. Look what some of the companies did to save money. Some

polluted environment with toxic chemicals because it probably was cheaper

to do it. Others have went over sea’s or to Mexico to make their goods. Why ,

because there they can hire people at a cheaper rate.

As we can all see, without money , we’re nowhere. People can do

anything and everything if they have a little money in their hands.

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