Johan Guttenberg


Johan Guttenberg Essay, Research Paper

Johann Gutenberg

Choosing the man of the millennium is a big job. There are so many candidates to be evaluated, for instance, Martin Luther King Jr., Christopher Columbus, and Charlemagne are among the few people to be considered. One other candidate to be considered was Johann Gutenberg. He was one of the most, if not the most, imperative men of that last millennium. A lot of other people obviously felt the same way I do about him and his inventions. He was chosen to be the man of the millennium. Johann Gutenberg was the key influence of the moveable type printing press. He and his partner, Andreas Dritzehn, conducted many experiments in printing. I feel that he was also very important because he was the first person to actually put the Bible on Paper. This Bible was known as the Gutenberg Bible or the 42-line Bible. There were many people that assisted in using the moveable type printer. One specifically, Johann Fust, was a moneylender to start the research of the printer. In later years he had a lawsuit going against Johann Gutenberg for the money he had invested in the start up of the printer. Due to this lawsuit, Gutenberg had to give up his rights to the printer. However, Gutenberg continued to print until he died on February 3, 1468. As you can see he was a very significant figure of the millennium. He may not have been as important during his time but in our time we would have been lost with out his amazing invention. Newspapers and books would be nonexistent without the moveable type printing press

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