How Carton Changes In A Tale Of


How Carton Changes In A Tale Of 2 Cities Essay, Research Paper

In the novel A Tale of Two Cities ,written by Charles Dickenson, there

is a chactor names Sydney Carton. Over time, during the novel Carton

changes his attitude. In the beginning, he was a drunk lawyer. In the end he

was very depressed.

First, in the beginning Sydney was a drunk lawyer. Even though he

was a drunk, he was very intellegent. Carton teamed up with another lawyer

who was a good speaker and they made a good team. He stopped Charles

Darney from going to jail because they looked so much alike. He falls in

love with Lucie Manette, who is Dr. Manette’s daughter. Even though he

loves her very much, Carton decides not to go any further in the relationship.

He does this because he is a drunk and thinks it would be better for Lucie.

Later in the novel Carton changes. He becomes very depressed. In the

begining his father had so many expectations for him. Carton was very

intellegent and could have gone very far in life. This is one cause of him

being depressed. Another cause is he never has a secure relationship. One

night Carton thought about his life. He thought that if he died that nobody

would care and everybody would be better off.

In conclusion Carton does change during this novel. In the begining he

was a successful lawyer and had alot of intellengence. He could have gone

farther but being a drunk stopped him. Towards the end he becomes very


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