KGC Maps


K.G.C. Maps Essay, Research Paper


Many of the smaller caches have been moved to larger, combined caches, and as a result, many of the legends will end up leading to an empty hole. For this reason, it is best to acquire information on as many as possible, research them in advance, and pick the most likely ones out before going out into the field. Whenever a K.G.C. cache was emptied or moved by the K.G.C., additional symbols were placed on the stone markers to alert fellow members that the cache was no longer there. By examining photos of known markers, it is possible to determine which caches are worth going after, and which are long gone.

K.G.C. researchers talk about needing a series of two or three transparent overlays in order to make any sense out of the K.G.C. maps. This is not true. When K.G.C. operatives buried some of the larger caches, they marked them with several stones having symbols cut into them as directions. The markings were accurately inscribed with the help of these so-called overlays. In reality, the overlays were tracings, taken from each stone and transferred to the next stone, made onto the semi-transparent oil cloth material of their slickers (raincoats). To relocate the cache, all overlays would be placed and aligned (according to specific instructions) over the key stone to produce a very specific map. Losing the overlays made no difference, since they were made from the markings on the stone in the first place, they could be easily reconstructed in a matter of minutes once the original stone was found.

It is said that no records exist of the K.G.C. after 1916. The locations of all the smaller caches (and larger ones too) were recorded on maps. Each map was rolled up and put into a cylinder made from rabbit fur treated with cosmoline. This tube was then tarred, and finally waxed with bees wax.

The maps from all the caches in a particular surrounding area were then sealed in a safe or chest and buried near a large or well-known river. Sixteen such safes exist throughout the country, each containing the maps for a specific area. Each safe (chest) was buried on a pillar of criss-crossed railroad ties to prevent it from sinking into the ground.

One master safe contains the maps showing the location of each of the other sixteen safes. Should the location of the master safe be lost, the locations of the other safes could be determined from a carefully worked out code using letters of the alphabet in conjunction with the Confederate code. It is possible that the contents of the master safe may no longer be retrievable. If so, the job is only made tougher, not impossible.

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