Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury


Fahrenheit 451: Bradbury’s Fears Essay, Research Paper

Fahrenheit 451: Bradbury’s Fears

In the book Fahrenheit 451 the author Ray Bradbury is concerned about

many things and I think his fears are exaggerated. In the book he writes about

a time in the future where firemen were paid to set books on fire. There are

many fears that he has that are related to this.

One of his fears is people all people being unhappy because there are no

books. In the book he not happy and he says ? I kept sitting there saying to

myself, I’m not happy, I’m not happy.? I’m sure if there were no books some

people would be unhappy but not everyone as in the book and only the people who

liked books who be unhappy. Mildred was unhappy but see didn’t like books.

Another one of his fears his people forgetting important things because

of having no books. Such as when Mildred forgets to tell Montag Clarisse died

and when Montag asked his wife when and where they met and Mildred replied ?

Funny how not to remember where or when you met your husband’r wife. People

would most not forget important things because off books being censored.

He most fears censorship and all of his other fears are related to this

one. He fears that the government will censor books and other things. In the

Fahrenheit 451 books are censored because different people don’t like certain

books. I think that the government will always censor things but not because a

few people don’t like something.

In conclusion I think Bradbury’s fear was exaggerated because in my

opinion most of the things that happened in the book would never happen in real

life. The things that could happen probably would not have been as bad as in

the book.

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