Downfall Of Julius Caesar


Downfall Of Julius Caesar Essay, Research Paper

Sheena Deans

Mr. Mason

3rd Period

May 1, 2000

Report: Julius Caesar

It can be concluded that the death of Julius Caesar was self

inflicted due to his sense of pride , stubbornness, and naivity.

In the play, when Caesar is offered the crown of Rome, by Marc

Antony, he refuses to accept it three times. But then he secretly

accepts it showing that he was to proud to accept it publicly.

Caesar is warned by a soothsayer to,? Beware of the ides of

March(Shakespeare)?. After hearing this he ignores the warning

therefore he is showing stubbornness. He also shows stubbornness

by ignoring his wife?s dream. In this dream, Calpurnia sees a statue

of him bleeding from a hundred wounds. He ignores this and leaves

for the capitol. On his way to the capitol he is stopped by a man

named Artemidorus, who offers him a letter in which the whole

conspiracy is revealed but Caesar refuses to accept it, once again he

is being stubborn.

Caesar could have also been said to be naive. He was sure that

he was so powerful and so loved that he would never be overthrown or

betrayed. This naivity could have been the main cause of his death.

It can be concluded that the death of Julius Caesar was self

inflicted due to his sense of pride , stubbornness, and naivity.


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