Women Pioneers


Women Pioneers Essay, Research Paper

A Journey Through Hardship

The pioneer women didn?t have many rights at all. They were pretty much always controlled by the men, and weren?t ?allowed? to do anything on their own. They had to obey all men and if they were married, that made it even harder for them. The women were mainly responsible for caring for the kids, taking care of the crops and keeping the house neat; health, food, and family.

For women, being pale is a sign of beauty. They even ordered magazines and copied the dresses in the magazines for special occasions. Women pioneers were very interested in home decorating as well. They lived in primitive houses and used flower seeds, feather pillows, quilts, and lace table clothes for the decorating.

The women also had many layers to wear for each day. The first one is called the corset. It ties all around the stomach area and makes women look skinnier. Sometimes, women had it too tight and it made them faint. They wore calico dresses daily, and women don?t wore pants.

Women?s did not have many rights whatsoever. They pretty much only had a right to own and sell property, which they gained from the Women?s Property Acts. If they had children, the children would be the husband?s custody and the women did not have the choice to divorce her husband. Back then, it seemed like they only had property in their own names.

The women also had gotten paid a very low amount of money for their work. They also got absolutely no recognition for what they did. The women did not have a variety of jobs to choose between. They include cooks, housekeepers, schoolteachers, and seamstresses. They also started schools, churches, libraries, and helped their neighbors as well. Most women worked in their house, while very few worked outside.

Back then life was very different from now. Women had a totally different role, but think of what would happen if things had never changed?

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