The Monastery Of Ostrog


The Monastery Of Ostrog Essay, Research Paper

The Monastery of Ostrog is located between the towns of Danilovgrad and Zvornik. I was born in town of Zvornik, which is approximately twenty to twenty-five miles far from the monastery of Ostrog. I was living near the monastery; for this reason, I was visiting It many times. The monastery of Ostrog is a very fascinating place, and that’s why a large number of people are visiting each year. The monastery was founded by one of the Orthodox metropolitan, who lived and spent the last days of his life there. The monastery stands against a sheer cliff, beneath the hill of the same name. It has two parts, known as the Upper Monastery is a very impressive, with two little cave churches built into the steep rock face. It was constructed in 1665 and decorated with extremely fine fresco-painting, which was a highest achievement of European painting of

that period. The part known as a Lower Monastery was built later in that century. The two monasteries stand one above the other in a very romantic landscape; however, the climate is a very pleasant with the smallest difference between winter and summer temperatures. The monasteries facade has a red and white checkered pattern with shallows as well as rosettes and ceramic ornamentation. On the top of the hill is a very big Christian cross, so you can see it from a far distance. From here there is a beautiful view of the Zeta river, and Its gentle and green surrounding. From its foundation Ostrog was known not only as a shrine, it has also a many different stories and it was a center of resistance and action against Turks occupation in a eighteen century.

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