Saving Lancaster


Saving Lancaster Essay, Research Paper

There are problems facing people everyday, some worse than others, but

none anymore pleasant. We see problems ranging from the environment to

crime, gangs, diseases, wars and so many more. William Finnegan saw a

major problem arising for the residents of Lancaster, California where

he went to find out why two skin head gangs are so prevalent in the

area. Parents working low wage jobs for long hours far from home made

absent parents a huge problem as well as lack of education greatly due

to poor funding. Finding the causes of large social problems helps to

discover solutions and get people thinking about problems instead of

just accepting them. A solution that would have a large impact on the

city would be to use cooperate welfare to bring big business to the

area, because it will help create local jobs, a circulation of money,

and more money for better educational facilities and teachers. Many

people would agree that Cooperate welfare is a problem in it self and

are strongly against it. However, it is very common and does serve

positive purposes. Cooperate welfare gives tax breaks and other

incentives to encourage big businesses to come to a certain area. If

the Antelope Valley could get businesses into the over populated city

they would be able to provide local jobs for many families. This is

important, because many of the parents in the valley are just making

enough to get by. Both parents are usually forced to work and a major

percentage of these families are single parent households with one

income. They end up working long hours at low wages and for that

reason are unable to be home for their children. The children begin

going elsewhere to look for a place of company after school. Education

starts in the home, so already they are losing out on half of the

valuable education they need. Funding for schools comes from the

government and it’s obvious that richer areas have better schools.

Cooperate welfare would bring more money to the area which would

provide better funding for schools. Once a better educational system

is established the schools can work on programs teaching kids about

ignorance and racism at an early age. Also, providing sport teams,

music classes, and other activities for children to get involved in

would help keep more kids in school. Teen boredom seemed to be another

major factor driving teens to the gang life. Getting businesses like

dance clubs for minors, boys and girls clubs, movie theaters, shopping

malls, and bowling alleys in the area would provide positive

alternatives to the gang life. A money flow would also provide more

funding for a better police force to control the crime and gangs.

Better security in schools and neighborhoods helps people feel safe.

With a better sense of security they might feel less of a need to join

a gang. These children could count on the police to keep them safe.

Instead of joining gangs and doing the acts associated with them in

order to have someone to protect them from other gangs. From this

solution it seems that money is the solution to all problems. However,

it also takes cooperation, a new closeness of the community, trust, and

strong families, wether they are two parent households or not. Money

will help create programs, businesses, better schools, activities for

teens and a better police force, but with these comes responsibility.

The city of Lancaster would need to gain support of it’s citizens in

order to make any solution work. Once the city has gotten the support

of it’s members they can begin working on the renovation process.

There is no single solution that will be one hundred percent fool

proof. This solution comes with it’s problems as well. The flaw of

major concern is that industrializing the already over populated city

would most likely draw in more people once it has become successful.

If this occurs the problems of the Valley would continue and maybe even

worsen. One ways of controlling the population might be to limit

available housing, while keeping the cost of housing stable.

Cooperate welfare is very bothersome to people today. It’s often

invisible to the public, although we are very aware that it exists.

It’s hard to suggest a solution when it calls for the use of another

problem. However, cooperate welfare can be very beneficial, because it

will bring businesses into the city that can help Lancaster get back on

to it’s feet.


Finnegan, William. (December 1, 1997). The Unwanted. The New Yorker.

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