Racism In American Subconscious


Racism In American Subconscious Essay, Research Paper

Evil Inside Us

Land of the free, and home of the brave. Nearly every American at one time or another echoes these words, found in our National Anthem. Unfortunately, their meaning is muted by a growing problem among us racism. While many claim bigotry ended with the civil rights movement of the 1960 s, it merely sublimated itself into our subconscious, hiding under false pretenses. Until the constant prejudiced bombardment stemming from our opinionated views is erased, no one can truly be free from hate.

The most base and crude form of stereotyping is that based on the color of skin. This prejudice formed from man s in fear of that which is different. The first time a white person saw a black person, they immediately formed the assumption that simply because that man s skin color differed from his own, that man is different and therefore evil. This opinion came to be before any other signs of the black culture and lifestyle were seen. We now understand pigmentation of the skin to be genetical, not a flaw, just a superficial difference that bears no meaning whatsoever to a person s mental, physical, and other abilities. To categorize a person on the tone of their flesh is futile, for it says nothing of who they really are. To further complicate matters, once the culture of African tribes was noticed, it distanced them from the whites of the time even more. Europeans had no idea of any lifestyles other than their own, and considered the religious practices of the Africans to be pagan rituals, denouncing the Christian God. Ceremonies, methods of living, all were viewed as less than human, on the basis that they differed from what the Europeans deemed to be right. These simplistic views began the hate towards black people that still exists today.

Other uncontrollable features of some black people have become symbols we use to represent all blacks, whether the carry any truth or not. Blacks are considered by almost all to naturally have kinky , extremely curly and short black hair. The fact that many have straight hair, and that it varies in color, is overlooked in order to generalize the black population. As stated by Paul Lindsey, such an assertion could not be a criterion for all blacks looking alike (106). This type of judging all by the appearance of some had an opposite effect, also. Before whites began to let their hair grow naturally, they all straightened it to keep up with the current fashion. Once they allowed their natural hair to grow, many blacks were surprised at the amount of curl and wave whites had.

Another typical assumption is that blacks have a distinguishable odor about them, one that is not necessarily unpleasant, but still present. This has no factual base, and is strictly a fabricated insult. While some blacks do smell, many whites do too, as well as all other races. Personal hygiene, the environment, and natural chemical occurrences control odor, not skin tone (Brigham, 24). It is not associated with race in any way. The idea that blacks smell differently than whites is based on nothing more than attempts to isolate black people more.

From the earliest days of black face performers, thick lips have been associated with black people. This so-called trait can be applied to any ethnic group, as it varies from person to person. While some black people do have full lips, many others have thin lips. Thick lips can also be found in white people, it is dependent on individual traits, not ethnicity. Lip size, hair color and type, and personal odor are all genetically transmitted traits one receives from their parents, regardless of race. To believe that all black people have thick lips, curly hair, and a certain smell is to generalize an entire group of people based on the appearance and physical properties of a select group. Making statements of this type is comparable to saying that all red cars have leather seats and large trunks. While a few of the mentioned group do have certain traits, many, if not most, of the others do not.

Dancing prowess and musical talent are thought to be inherent in blacks. One s rhythm is also a personal trait, unaffected by factors other than genes. The ability of a person, black, white, or otherwise, is based solely upon their inherited traits and the amount of practice. Along the same lines is the belief that jazz and soul is black music. While jazz and soul originated in black culture, it is not limited to blacks, just as blacks are not limited to jazz and soul. Black musicians are found in every musical category, from jazz to classical to rock, and even in country, which is typically thought of as a white field. Blacks are just as capable as whites at creating and composing music. Their musical ability is also restricted along the same lines as whites, where some seem to possess a natural, innate sense of rhythm and harmony, whereas others have almost none. Contrary to the standard belief, many blacks have almost no dancing or musical abilities. Just as with whites, there are some that cannot even hum a tune.

One of the most common stereotypes is that black people are all athletic and naturally well built. For some, this holds true, but not any more so than with whites. A person of any race can be born athletically inclined, just as they can also be born the complete opposite. To attribute an athlete s talent to their skin color is a gross misjudgment. Practically every athlete who succeeds does so through training and discipline. Regardless of race, a person s determination to succeed and their motivation are what cause them to perform well. Athletes black and white excel in all sports. The generalizations that only blacks are good at basketball, the only good football quarterbacks are white, and white wrestlers are superior to blacks are completely untrue. Larry Bird, Randall Cunningham, and Kerry McCoy are respectively proof that each of the above sports stereotypes have no factual grounding.

Racism, in any form, is a terrible reality we all face and have to deal with. Through its integration into our culture and our thoughts, we all contribute to prejudicial ideas and actions. Every basic generalization made about any group that has no factual basis is as wrong as making bigoted statements and using racial epithets. The knowledge of one s race cannot be used to determine anything else about that person, it has no relevance as to their appearance, lifestyle, or actions. Until we can overcome these imbedded stereotypes, we are all contributors to the growing hate in the world.

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