Female President


Female President Essay, Research Paper

female president

I would like to start this paper by saying that there is no disrespect to anyone in the female gender in this paper. These are totally my views and my views only. So, would a female president be good or bad for the country? I say it ways more to the bad side. There are some good things to having a women president, but the bad far outweighs the good. Women are just as qualified to do the job, but it’s the whole war and crisis thing I am worried about. Women tend to have much more compassion and sympathy for people, or countries, that are in trouble. This would cause a woman to go help these needy countries. This could cause some damage. Not saying that men don’t interfere with other countries problems, but the women would probably interfere more. Plus how are other countries going to look at the United States if we have a women president. Think about it, a women in the highest seat in the land, and the world for that matter, and she is messing around with other countries. This is just a war waiting to happen. We already have plenty of countries that would love to kick our ass, and with a female president, they will think that they can. This will cause many casualties and heartbreak for the other women who’s husbands are fighting in those wars. But, the president is not the one directing the army most of the time. We still have all the same war directors and what not, just not the intimidation factor of a women ordering all of this. We still would kill off all opposing countries, but then the woman would have pitty on their souls and let them get away with it.

There is one more thing that I would like to address. The scandals. Do you really think that just because we have a woman president that the scandals would stop? I say hell no. A woman is just as capable of being corrupt and selfish as any man, and maybe even more. Everyone thinks of a woman as being honest, generous, and an all around good person. That’s a bunch of b.s.. Ever heard of women prisons? Exactly my point.

So I think that my questions were answered. I say that maybe someday in the future when the world isn’t caught up in bloodshed and what it takes to look good in front of the world that maybe, and just maybe then we should have a woman president. No sooner, and hopefully later. Until next week, adios.

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