What Makes A Good Newspaper Advertisement


What Makes A Good Newspaper Advertisement Essay, Research Paper

??????????? The main

disability of newspaper adverts is that they are a static image, so unlike

television commercials information has to be printed on one page all at once,

which can sometimes be confusing. The benefits of a static

advertisement is that the reader can take their time over reading the advert,

which television commercials cannot do, as many are under a minute long.

Magazine adverts also benefit from being static as the reader can remember

telephone numbers and addresses more easily, and so they are frequently printed

on newspaper adverts.?One disadvantage of newspaper adverts is that many people flick

past adverts of any kind when reading a magazine, which is different from a TV

advert, as viewers cannot flick past adverts, and the only way to avoid them is

to turn the television off, which many people do not do. Also, magazine adverts

do not usually have millions of people reading them at the same time, which

television commercials do.Newspaper adverts frequently

use pre-modifiers and superlatives to emphasise products and make them sound

better, and in many cases these are opinionated and not factual. Facts and

figures are an important part of adverts, as it makes the product or company

sound technical, serious, and informative, and they are often accompanied with

pre-modifiers to make them sound better.Colours play an important role

in magazine advertisements as they can make certain things stand out so the

reader will read them first, and contrasting colours, fonts and text sizes also

highlight specific objects or words.Overall, newspaper adverts are

effective, especially in local newspapers advertising local shops as they are

direct and simple, and are more cost effective than television commercials.

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