The Oliver


The Oliver Essay, Research Paper

Sikes plunges through space, the noose tightening around his neck

until, with a tremendous jolt, the rope runs its length. Sikes is

executed. The lifeless hand of the killer still clutches a knife.

Readers agree that this is an effective, thrilling scene, but many

think the final detail is pathetic or ridiculous: howling dismally,

Sikes’ dog hurls itself at his master’s shoulders, only to miss and

bash its brains out in the ditch. In spite of his master’s abuse,

has the dog remained loyal to the end? If it has, then you can agree

that it wants to share Sikes’ fate. But you might also think that

the dog’s death is included to break the tension created by Sikes’

hanging. If so, you might wonder if Dickens wants you to feel sorry

for the dog or to think it is foolish for following such a cruel

master to its death.

How do you feel about Sikes’ violent death? Is it fitting punishment

for Nancy’s murder or is it just more senseless violence? Think

about how you feel about the execution of murderers

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