Techniques To Increase Memory Efficiency


Techniques To Increase Memory Efficiency Essay, Research Paper

Ryan Bolding

Psychology 201-13

Response Paper 1

Question 4

Question 4: There are many techniques which have been developed to increase the

efficiency of memory . Select 3 techniques , discuss them in detail and present examples

of when they can be used.

In the world today it is a must to be able to remember things. Memory is a big

part in everyone?s life. Their is hardly a day that goes by when you do not have to

remember something. If someone doesn?t have a great memory it could cause somewhat

of a down fall in their professional life. In this paper I will discuss three different

memorization habits and how they can be contributed to one?s everyday lifestyle.

One of many ways that help people memorize things is in a verbal sense called

Rhymes. Rhyming is an easy way for someone to memorize certain things. This method

is most common with children in school. Many people that grow up still remember these

little detailed Rhymes that help them get threw school. Rhymes are nothing other than

little saying?s which sometimes make no sense , but when repeated in your mind it helps

your recall what is need to know . The Rhyme that I remember best was used in math

class ? I ate and ate until I was sick on the floor eight times eight equals sixty-four ?? that

saying is really kind of ridiculous , but I always new what eight times eight was . There

are so many saying?s out there and everyone of them will help anyone memorize.

Rhymes have been and always will have a big impact on helping people in memorization.

Another strategy to help on to memorize things is called Acrostics. Acrostics is

nothing more than a saying in which the first letter of each word of the saying is the cue

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