Spanish Immigration Issues


Spanish Immigration Issues Essay, Research Paper

With the numerous diverse groups of people coming to this country in search of a better life, some immigrants can be good and bad for America as a whole. There are thousands of immigrants coming to the United States every day. A lot of these immigrants are illegal aliens coming to the United States to find jobs. Whenever we catch illegal aliens crossing our borders, we should send them right back and that would be the end of the story. Instead we are bringing them to camps to wait until the government finds out what to do with them. With so many immigrants coming over everyday, the United States lets people out of these camps and lets them into our society so we can fit the new people who are coming over here in the camps.The Mexican immigrants come right across the border into the southern states. In Mexico sixty percent of its labor force is unemployed, so a lot of these people think that there are jobs for them in the United States, and there are, but they are usually limited to what they can offer to the country. In the past most immigrants came from Europe and Asia, but today the large majority of immigrants come from Mexico and move to Florida and California. The Border Patrol was established in 1924 to prevent immigrants from Mexico from just walking in and doing what they please. Undocumented aliens, as they are preferred to be called, are noncitizens living in a country without proper visas or other documents. Most of the undocumented aliens in the United States are Mexicans. Some immigrants that come to this country legally that have a good education and can work well are not a problem. The problem is that there aren’t very many of these kinds of people that are trying to get into this country. Many immigrants are poor and just want jobs to keep themselves alive or to support their families. The legal and illegal immigrants try hard to get jobs in America, and in many ways the illegal immigrants help us. It is hard for illegal immigrants who can’t prove that they are legal workers to find jobs. Some employers know from the start that the person they hired is illegal and just hire them because they will work for minimum wage or even less. Since it is hard for poor legal immigrants to get jobs, they many times have to take the laborious jobs that many Americans will not take. A lot of immigrants will do just about anything so they can eat and their families will not starve. The main reason that illegal immigrants come to this country everyday is that we aren’t doing much to stop them, and we really cannot do much more. All immigrants can help and hurt the United States. Economically legal immigrants do the same thing that all citizens do in reference to paying taxes, but illegal immigrants are a different story. The undocumented aliens do not pay taxes, which pay for a lot of improvements to the environment and society that they also use. To those who worry about losing their job to an illegal alien, they should not do so. If you notice, the illegal aliens take many of the jobs that Americans refuse to take if they are educated, and in the long run, those jobs that they take provide many of the things that we use daily. More specifically they take construction jobs and maintenance jobs that provide us with the buildings we work and live in and maintain the pipes that deliver water to our homes and workplaces. Without the illegal immigrants that take these jobs, we would have very few options on where we live and work. On the other hand, when all of these immigrants come to this country in search of jobs and can’t find any, sometimes they turn to crime. Deportable illegal aliens make up 26 percent of all inmates in federal prisons. One out of four illegal immigrants are in our prisons and we have to pay for them stay there. If we get more security and never let these people get into the country, it would save the government a profuse amount of money because they wouldn’t have to pay to keep building more prisons. The World Trade Center bombing just a couple of years ago had immigrants linked in some way. This terrible incident would have never occurred if they were told to go back where they came from. One of the biggest complaints from Americans is the amount of drugs crossing the border that could be sold to children. Yes this is a major problem, but those of the drug dealers that are caught and arrested are thrown in jail, and where does the money go that they had? This money returns to our economy, which is the positive side to drug dealing. Not surprisingly, most people do not see things that way though.

We are running out of options on this side of the border. Either we loosen up and let in an infinite number of illegal aliens that cannot read, write, much less speak English, or we allow no immigrants whatsoever. The United States does not have the finances to support enough Border Patrol officers to keep out all the illegal immigrants. We also cannot refuse immigrants altogether because we would have so much opposition to it from other countries, besides, we would probably have even more illegal aliens crossing the border. What we really have to do is just put ourselves in their position, and try to make the decisions that they are attempting to make. Things may be different if we think of it that way. When looking at things from someone else’s point of view, ideas and views are sometimes changed.

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