Rip Tupac Shakur


Rip Tupac Shakur Essay, Research Paper

RIP Tupac Amaur Shakur (1971-1996)”Bury me smilin, with G’s in my pocket, have a party a my funeral, let every rapper rock it, let tha hoes that I usta know from way before kiss me from my head to my toe..tell all my people I’m a Ridah, nobody cries when we die, we outlaws, let me ride.”-Tupac Shakur (1971-1996)His name was Tupac Amaru Shakur he was born on June 16, 1971 he was twenty-five years old when he was killed In las Vegas ,Nevada On 10 13, 1996 He measured 5′ 7″ tall and weighed 165 lbs. He was a rapper/actor he was talented when he put his mind to something.Some would say like to dance with death. 2Pac was a rapper/actor who recorded numerous records a played head roles in a few movies. He sold more then ten million records and made millions from his movies this is a man that was born into violence and went the opposite direction by doing everything everything his parents didn t do. 2Pac attended art school in the studied of sensitive poetry.

He shot out side the Tyson fight by a thought to be east coast rival. A white Cadillac rolled up on the side of the car that he was celebrating in and fired 13 rounds at him while he had his hole upper body out of the skylight window.Some people think that this might be a type protective custody or a publicity stunt.

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