Reasons For The American Revolution


Reasons For The American Revolution Essay, Research Paper

Reasons for the American Revolution

The King of England and Parliament were the direct causes of the

American Revolution, because of their demands on colonists and harsh reactions

after the colonists failure to meet their ridiculous expectations. These demands

were far greater than any loyal American was able to provide.

The taxes placed on Americans were so heinous that the sugar in their

mugs was taxable. Survival while paying these taxes was slim to none. How could

Britain force such severe taxes on the greatest asset of the crown. The Stamp

Act forced the colonies to purchase a stamp with prices of upwards of four

pounds on all legal papers, advertisements, newspapers, calendars, and playing

cards. The colonists politely petitioned Parliament and the King but only to

find they were speaking to a deaf ear.

The Quartering Act was the worst demand placed on colonists. This forced

colonists to provide food and shelter to men who took American jobs and raped

American women. Why should Americans waste their hard earned money on men sent

to enforce the unbearable English demands.

The Currency Act hurt colonists by making paper money, which Americans

had an abundance of, useless and converting them to gold and silver which was

very scarce there.

The American sailors were also subject to hardships brought forth by the

British. They were forced by impressment to join the Royal Navy to fight against

their own brothers.

By placing duties on all imported goods, this raised the prices so much

that all the colonists could afford were smuggled goods. The smugglers were also

hard to get things from because the British had the right to search all ships

without warrants.

How could a loyal hard-working American colonists pledge their

allegiance to a country where the sovereign does not recognize their rights,

their presence in Parliament, and their importance to Great Britain’s survival.

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