Obasan 2


Obasan – Essay Essay, Research Paper

During the Second World War, the Japanese were treated like animals and left with no dignity and self-respect. They were ripped from their families and sentenced to a lifestyle of pure poverty; their work and living conditions were inadequate for humans and with their nourishment was far below par. Their human rights were blatantly ignored as their citizenship was stripped from them; worst of all, their cries for justice went unheard by a government that was supposedly working for them. . In the case of Naomi’s family, all of the family members are extremely loyal to each other and to their family name. They love and respect each other; their wisdom is rich and plentiful as a collective. But when they were split apart by higher forces, sorrow was very noticeable throughout the family. “Dan’s been arrested. The boys refuse to go to Ontario. Both trainloads. So they’re all arrested. Dan had a road map his friends drew for him so they suspected him for being a ’spy’ and now he’s in the Pool. Nisei are called ‘enemy aliens’. Minister of War, or Defense, or something flying here to take drastic steps.” At this point, everyone was still in a state of shock and confusion. ‘The boys’ likely refused to head for freedom in Ontario simply because they would prefer to remain as close as possible to their families to do the best they can to protect them from harm and suffering. The R.C.M.P. arrested Dan based on a road map. The road map was simply an easy excuse for the government to haul more men into the Pool. The police were frantically attempting to round up all of the Japanese and did not accept any sort of explanation while they were carrying out the task. The conditions under which the Japanese were forced to bathe and eat in were incredibly unjust for Canadian citizens. Their citizenship rights were harshly abused and their human rights were only acknowledged enough to keep them on the verge of existence. Their bathing conditions can be likened to those of birds. They were forced to bathe from the same tub of water. There were few tubs, and those lucky enough to arrive early were the ones who benefited from hot, clean water. Those who were late received lukewarm, preciously used water, no doubt a cesspool of filth. “One place that we meet regularly is the public bathhouse. Every few evenings or late afternoons we walk the half-mile to town with our basins and bars of soap and washcloths. Sometimes we go just before supper when the place is not too crowded, but more often we go in the early evening. Those who arrive late are likely to find the bath less hot and less clean.”

The eating conditions in the Mess Hall were very similar to the bathing conditions. It worked on a first come, first serve basis. Those arriving early received a hot meal in decent proportion. The rest were treated to a meager plate of cold food. The Japanese’ rights as Canadian citizens were distinctly ignored by the government. They were treated like slaves of the government, moving wherever they were ordered to and working in hovels for pennies a day. It would be unreasonable for any human to be treated this way, during a time of war or not. More specifically, there was absolutely no respectful explanation as to why the Japanese-Canadians were zeroed-in on. This is comparable to the manner in which Hitler targeted the 6,000,000 Jews that he forcibly controlled with no legitimate motive. “Tadashi Nakane As you have no doubt have already heard, the Government has ordered that people of Japanese origin are to be segregated into difference camps according to the category under which they come. As you have expressed your desire to remain in Canada and for various reasons you are not considered suitable for Easter Placement, you will be required to remain in New Denver. This order is imperative and must be obeyed.B.C. Security Commission” “Isamu Nakane In accordance with the segregation programme which is now being carried out by the Government, you will be required to move to Kaslo where you will await Eastern Placement; as Slocan project has been selected as a Repatriation Camp and will house only those who have elected at the present time, or who may elect in the near future, to return to Japan. Transportation arrangements will be made for you and for shipment of your effects and you will be notified as to the exact time that you will leave for Rosebery to entrain for Kaslo. Beds, tables, stoves, stools and all fixtures must be left in house or rooms you are now occupying. No extension of this order can be granted. ” These letters are somewhat indicative of a fascist-like government. It sounds very dictatorial like Hitler ordering people into concentration camps. These sorts of government actions are an offense to human rights and while some are far worse than others, they are all unnecessary tragedies. The tale of the Japanese-Canadians during WWII was indeed tragic. The moral abuse that they endured was painstaking and a horrible example of how a government should operate. These events certainly put a taint in the history of the Canadian Government. Their actions will not be forgotten. However, we must hope and strive for a better future in which Canada and the rest of the world will not have to face such problems.

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