Negative Outlook Respond


Negative Outlook Respond Essay, Research Paper


2306 Lebanon Road

Nashville TN 37214


April 16, 2001

Mallory Brown

4812 Overhill Pass

Nashville TN 37210

Dear Ms. Brown:

I appreciate the opportunity to do business with you. I have received your inquiry on the timeframe of your telephone that is in repair. In addition, I wanted to let you know that I am doing everything in my power to speed this process up. I understand that you need this phone so you can go on with the normal process of activities in your life.

The problem that has been diagnosed at our repair depot is one that cannot be fixed there without special equipment that only Qualcomm has. Therefore, the technicians decided to send the phone off to the manufacturer so it can be fixed in the fastest time possible.

Unfortunately, Qualcomm has encountered an unusual volume in their repair department. Our repair depot informed us to expect 10 to 15 more days until they get your phone back to us. As soon as I get word on the continuing process of your phone, I will immediately get in touch with you.

Again I thank you for your business and I hope that as soon as we get this repair behind us, we can be able to have a great continuing relationship with you and your phone.


Kris O’Mealy

Sales Associate

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