Gentle Ben


Gentle Ben Essay, Research Paper

A brown bear is the largest most

dangerous big-game animal in

North America. Even so ,Mark

Anderson?s only friend is Ben, the

brownie cub chained up in Fog

Benson?s dark shed. Mark?s parents

can see there is a special bond

between their son and the big bear,

a bond that overcomes fear and suspicion.

But there are some people in town who

just cant under stand, and are determined

to get rid of Ben. There is danger and

excitement for Mark as he struggles

to save his gentle friend.

Walt Morey was born in the heart of the

Olympic Mountains, in Hoquiam, Washington,

and spent his childhood in Montana, Canada,

and Oregon. During his early writing career,

Mr. Morey supported himself as a mill worker,

construction worker, theater manager, and

ship builder. At the end of World War !!,he

went to Alaska to work as a diver and fish

trap inspector. Gentle Ben, his first book for

readers, won the Dutton Animal Book Award,

the Sequoyah children?s book award, and was an

ALA Notable Book. Gentle Ben was also made

in to a motion picture and a television series. Mr.

Morey and his wife live near Portland, Oregon,

where they operate a sixty-two acre filbert grove.

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