

Genitics Essay, Research Paper

Our Food is Genetically Manipulated

Traditional agricultural is the controlled breeding of plants and animals to select new combinations of certain traits in livestock, fruits, and vegetables. An organism with genes from another species is called genetically modified, or GM, in this paper I will discuss the pros and cons of GM products. I will also talk about the controversy of this subject, giving examples from countries all over the world.

There are some positive aspects of GM foods. For example, we could genetically alter foods so that they contain more nutrients. This would especially benefit people who have vitamin deficiencies in malnourished countries. Another example is bt corn . There is a gene from a certain bacteria called bacillus thuringiensis (BT) that contains a protein to kill insects. This has been used for the benefit of organic farmer s crops as a natural pesticide.

Reasons to boycott GM foods vary. Some are very logical. Perhaps you have a food allergy to one plant-based food because of a certain protein it contains. You could have an allergic reaction to a completely separate food product if it carries this product, without proper labeling there would be no way of knowing. Another concern is that tests that take place in the field may not adequately predict the effects of GM products on the ecosystem. It comes down to the fact that we just don t know what might become of GM foods. We don t know what the long-term effects may be.

People in the Orient, the Southern Hemisphere, and Europe have had enough and have already been taking matters into their own hands by refusing to permit genetically-altered crops in their soil. Americans have not been as adamant about the refusal of the GM products.

Companies like Monsanto and Novartis flooded the world with genetically altered soybeans and corn. They also have dairy products from cows treated with a genetically altered hormone called BST and flesh from cows treated with growth hormones. The European Union refuses to import flesh from American cows for this reason. Canada has so far resisted the heavy pressure from US trade officials to allow the use of BST in its dairy cows. Few Americans had any idea this wasgoing on. US trade officials have threatened the Japanese with a trade war if they continue mandatory labeling of GM products. 91% of Japanese consumers want there food labeled.

Most processed foods purchased today contain some genetically engineered food products. Each day the majority of the American public eats genetically engineered foods without their knowledge. Consumers have no way of knowing what foods are genetically engineered because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not require labeling of these products. The FDA’s refusal to label these foods has created high trade tensions between the United States and its trading partners. There has been much public resistance on this matter. Recently there have been accusations that allergenic genetically engineered corn has made its way into hundreds of food products illegally. This has made the American public to start asking for mandatory labeling.

Former New Zealand health minister Neil Kirton was fired after refusing to allow American Ambassador Josiah Beeman’s demands to eliminate the proposed law on mandatory labeling of GM products. Instead of sending Beeman home in disgrace, the New Zealand government fired Kirton. Events like this make you wonder whether American government is conducted in the best interests of its citizens. In the Karnataka region of India, farmers, chanting “Cremate Monsanto” destroyed and incinerated test plots of GM cotton and asked the government to ban GM seed and test plots. Most of the complaints are calm. Some GM foods are already part of life, all people are asking is for foods to be labeled. Therefore, those who wish to avoid them have the information they need. Labeling might also discourage mixing the original produce with GM seed that has been genetically altered.

Austria’s major supermarket chains promised not to sell GM foods. Greece banned the import of GM canola seed. The UK placed a 3-year suspension on insect-resistant crops and a one-year suspension on herbicide-resistant plants. Germany’s gigantic Raiffeisen Corporation has announced that it will refuse to accept GM grains. The Mexican Green Party is working on legislation requiring mandatory labeling of GM crops. People in the Philippines, Thailand and South Korea are pushing for mandatory labeling and safety testing. As you can see this is a big issue not only in the United States, but all over the world.

GM foods are obviously a very controversial issue. People in many countries are going to disagree with one another on how to resolve this situation. I foresee trade embargoes and public uproar in response to this matter. Also if we genetically alter our foods, what next? Are we going to start genetically altering each other? I feel as though proper labeling is a must, it is wrong to mislead the consumers. If there must be GM foods it is only fair to let us know what we are eating.

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