Ecclesiates 318


Ecclesiates 3:1-8 Essay, Research Paper

Interpretation of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

The Bible verses Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 are Solomon?s words as he is telling of the relationship that we may have with God and of His master plan. We are to understand God?s impeccable timing, absolute control, magnificent grace, and eternal glory.

The beginning of the excerpt makes the point that every event that will ever take place on Earth has a designated time that it will happen. As such, it has already been planned out by someone or something greater than anyone on this Earth, God. The Lord God has a time for you to be born and to die, a time for life and for death. We are also told that nothing in this world is permanent by the verse ?a time to tear down, and a time to build up?. We are reminded that there is an appropriate time to mourn, but when that time has expired, we should rejoice, dance and celebrate life. Also in mourning, toward the end of the excerpt, we learn of the Jewish ritual of tearing apart clothes to honor the deceased. Again, this is appropriate until it is time again to ?sew? and rejoice life.

It is also conveyed to us that in God?s plan, there exhibits profit and loss. Profit is the result of our dependence upon God, and loss is the result in our stray from God. There exists an appropriate time to speak out in His plan and also a time to remain silent. There is a time for war and for peace – in the Bible, Jesus states there will be times of war and rumors of war until His return, so we should neither be in shock from these circumstances nor in fear.

One of the main purposes of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is to tell us that God?s plan for us includes both happiness and sadness and we should not be greatly alarmed by the situations in life that allow for these emotions. This part of the Bible is in no way meant to discriminate against possible life decisions because they are supposedly already planned.

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