Dr. Jekyll


Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Essay, Research Paper

Dr. Jekyll: Good evening Mr.Hyde, it’s nice to finally meet you face to face.

This should be an interesting conversation.

Mr. Hyde: Yes it shall, I’d like to start it off by asking, what made you think

about this experiment in the first place?

Dr. Jekyll: I was curious about the boundaries of the human possibilities

and I was just trying to think up a new experiment.

Mr. Hyde: So how do you feel about what happened? Is it what you

expected? Are you glad u did it? Would you do it again?

Dr. Jekyll: My experiment was a huge step toward modern technology,

but because it caused confusion, pain, and death, it would’ve been

better if I never started it. It didn’t turn out as I expected, and

unless I could make some changes, I wouldn’t do it again.

Mr. Hyde: What exactly went wrong?

Dr. Jekyll: Well, everything was fine until I added the impure salt to my


Mr. Hyde: Ok I see, so is that why I was so short?

Dr. Jekyll: No, you were short because I never had much evil in me, and you

were pure evil. Therefore the more bad you did, the more you


Mr. Hyde: Don’t you ever get the urge to do bad things too?

Dr. Jekyll: No, that’s why you were created.

Mr. Hyde: Would you consider yourself a good scientist?

Dr. Jekyll: Yes, nobody else could ever do some of the things I have


Mr. Hyde: Well if so, then how could you make such a stupid mistake?

Dr. Jekyll: Ok, look buddy, that’s enough, it’s time for me to ask some

questions. Did you feel any guilt after killing those innocent


Mr. Hyde: No, not at all, they were in the way so they deserved it. Like you

said, I am pure evil.

Dr. Jekyll: Why did you keep coming out when I didn’t want you?

Mr. Hyde: Just like I was getting bigger, I was gaining more control and I

became able to force myself out with ease, and when you began

mixing in the impure salt, your body became confused.

Dr. Jekyll: Ok, I’m dying to know why you took our lives in the end.

Mr. Hyde: Well, I knew everybody was trying to find me so I could be put to

death and I decided it would be better to go ahead and end it.

Also, I didn’t want to give you the chance to come back and find

a cure to get rid of me for good.

Dr. Jekyll: That was a good idea, I never thought about that. Well, it was

nice talking to you. I’m glad I finally got to learn more about you.

Mr. Hyde: Yes, it has been nice. We should do it more often.

Dr. Jekyll: I don’t know about that but we’ll see. Talk to you later.

Mr. Hyde: All right, see you later. Bye

Dr. Jekyll: Bye


High School conversation assignment between Dr.J & Mr.H

Computer just got fixed, lost everything, this was all I had. Nothing big just a little assignment. B+

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