Civil War Sectionalism


Civil War- Sectionalism Essay, Research Paper

North and South

The United States of America, the great democratic experiment, was just that. Not since

the great Greek culture had a government of, for, and by the people existed. The entire world

felt, that on a large scale, democracy would inevitably lead to anarchy; our founding fathers were

determined to prove them wrong. But as the political stand off with the British became a

secession issue, a great issue split the future nation. Slavery, a southern necessity, both social

and economic, threatened the unity of our nation. A nation that would one day be the greatest the

world had ever known.

During the development of the thirteen colonies, diversity set in early. In the south the

temperate climate made the growth of tobacco a suitable and very profitable business.

Cultivation of this crop required a lot of land, and therefore settlers lived far apart. Northern

Colonies, though, were much more dependent on small farms, with closely knit communities.

These differences were the seed of a sectional division that would plague the nation for a century.

During the late seventeenth century, this fissure in the ideals of the colonies became

apparent. Following the constant political irreverence from Britain, a majority of colonial

representatives felt the need for independence. The Declaration of Independence was the

document written to do this. It called for an abolition of slavery as well as freedom from British

rule. Unfortunately, the South would hear nothing of it. Being strong defenders of states rights,

most of the Southern states adhered to their believe in a government less like a supreme authority

and more like a dominion of independent states. They would rather stay loyal to their

oppressive government than participate in one that shunned their way of life. In order to keep

their dreams of independence, they North was forced to make the one cession they did not wish

to make. In order to keep a unified nation, the slavery issue was deliberately absent from the

Declaration. Some of the Northern delegates were outraged, but none more than John Adams. A

renowned proponent of equal rights, he was one of few that saw the irony in establishing a free

society without freeing those in bondage. John Adams seems now more like Nostrodamus when

he voiced his concern about the slavery issue for future generations. He did not know it, but the

couldn?t have been more right.

As time went on the United States of America grew as two separate nations. The

Industrial Revolution gave Northern living its own culture, as the development of machinery and

capitalism took hold. The South, however, was holding its own with its peculiar institution. As

tobacco changed to cotton, the South became more and more dependent on it. Their entire way

of life was based on that forced labor system. They would stop at nothing to protect it.

During the 1850?s this devotion to slavery came to the forefront. Expansion was

on everyone?s lips, and the slave holders were looking for a place to expand their holdings.

Many of the Northern politicians were against expansion, for fear of Southern dominance, but

once the issue became inescapable, they focused their attention on stopping the spread of slavery,

not that of the country. Whether or not to allow slavery in new territories was not mentioned in

the Constitution, so the issue was unfortunately up for debate. It was these debates that led to the

greatest catastrophe in American history.

For the South, that catastrophe was the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. For the

first time, a President was elected with no support from the South. Following the lead of South

Carolina, seven of the united states seceded from the union to make their own nation. That was

the catastrophe of the North. Lincoln would soon launch a crusade to reunite the United States;

and his success or failure would decide the fate of the nation.

Mobilization for war was what followed, and after the bloodiest fighting in American history, the

North finally succeeded in stopping secession. The difference in culture between the North and

South had led the nation to brink of destruction, it was all inevitable, and probably necessary.

The battles over slavery in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Expansionism

were all leading up to the eventual conflict. But without the cession of slavery, the South would

never have joined in the quest for independence, and our great nation would not exist. In order to

expand the good, a necessary evil had to be tolerated. For the span of almost a hundred years the

question of slavery was littered with compromise. But both sides would not budge, each insisted

that god was on their side. In the end, it took the lives of over 600,000 men and boys to settle it. North and South

The United States of America, the great democratic experiment, was just that. Not since

the great Greek culture had a government of, for, and by the people existed. The entire world

felt, that on a large scale, democracy would inevitably lead to anarchy; our founding fathers were

determined to prove them wrong. But as the political stand off with the British became a

secession issue, a great issue split the future nation. Slavery, a southern necessity, both social

and economic, threatened the unity of our nation. A nation that would one day be the greatest the

world had ever known.

During the development of the thirteen colonies, diversity set in early. In the south the

temperate climate made the growth of tobacco a suitable and very profitable business.

Cultivation of this crop required a lot of land, and therefore settlers lived far apart. Northern

Colonies, though, were much more dependent on small farms, with closely knit communities.

These differences were the seed of a sectional division that would plague the nation for a century.

During the late seventeenth century, this fissure in the ideals of the colonies became

apparent. Following the constant political irreverence from Britain, a majority of colonial

representatives felt the need for independence. The Declaration of Independence was the

document written to do this. It called for an abolition of slavery as well as freedom from British

rule. Unfortunately, the South would hear nothing of it. Being strong defenders of states rights,

most of the Southern states adhered to their believe in a government less like a supreme authority

and more like a dominion of independent states. They would rather stay loyal to their

oppressive government than participate in one that shunned their way of life. In order to keep

their dreams of independence, they North was forced to make the one cession they did not wish

to make. In order to keep a unified nation, the slavery issue was deliberately absent from the

Declaration. Some of the Northern delegates were outraged, but none more than John Adams. A

renowned proponent of equal rights, he was one of few that saw the irony in establishing a free

society without freeing those in bondage. John Adams seems now more like Nostrodamus when

he voiced his concern about the slavery issue for future generations. He did not know it, but the

couldn?t have been more right.

As time went on the United States of America grew as two separate nations. The

Industrial Revolution gave Northern living its own culture, as the development of machinery and

capitalism took hold. The South, however, was holding its own with its peculiar institution. As

tobacco changed to cotton, the South became more and more dependent on it. Their entire way

of life was based on that forced labor system. They would stop at nothing to protect it.

During the 1850?s this devotion to slavery came to the forefront. Expansion was

on everyone?s lips, and the slave holders were looking for a place to expand their holdings.

Many of the Northern politicians were against expansion, for fear of Southern dominance, but

once the issue became inescapable, they focused their attention on stopping the spread of slavery,

not that of the country. Whether or not to allow slavery in new territories was not mentioned in

the Constitution, so the issue was unfortunately up for debate. It was these debates that led to the

greatest catastrophe in American history.

For the South, that catastrophe was the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. For the

first time, a President was elected with no support from the South. Following the lead of South

Carolina, seven of the united states seceded from the union to make their own nation. That was

the catastrophe of the North. Lincoln would soon launch a crusade to reunite the United States;

and his success or failure would decide the fate of the nation.

Mobilization for war was what followed, and after the bloodiest fighting in American history, the

North finally succeeded in stopping secession. The difference in culture between the North and

South had led the nation to brink of destruction, it was all inevitable, and probably necessary.

The battles over slavery in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and Expansionism

were all leading up to the eventual conflict. But without the cession of slavery, the South would

never have joined in the quest for independence, and our great nation would not exist. In order to

expand the good, a necessary evil had to be tolerated. For the span of almost a hundred years the

question of slavery was littered with compromise. But both sides would not budge, each insisted

that god was on their side. In the end, it took the lives of over 600,000 men and boys to settle it.

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