Chicago White Soxs Scandal


Chicago White Soxs Scandal Essay, Research Paper

The Chicago White Sox?s scandal of 1919 was a very famous baseball scandal. It was a scandal about money, and lying. This essay will help you understand who was involved, and what happened. Hopefully, this essay will answer all your questions and concerns.

The Chicago White Sox?s season was starting. It was 1919, and the Chicago White Sox were predicted to win the World Series. The season kicked off well, they won many of their games. After the season, they advanced to the playoffs. They faced many tough opponents but beat them all. They had finally reached the World Series point. They were set to face the Cincinnati Reds. But much gossip started to come out. People were talking about a possible scandal. So the investigation occurred. This is where the story begins.

The investigation was very revealing. After the investigation, they concluded that eight White Sox?s players illegally took money to lose. Those players were Joe Jackson, Eddie Cicotte, Claude Williams, Buck Weaver, Arnold Gandil, Fred McMullin, Charles Risberg, and Oscar Felsch. These players allegedly took money from a bookie to lose the game. So the players were questioned. But all of the players said they were innocent. They all denied receiving money. So the investigation went further in depth.

The Investigation reached a high point now. They were realizing it was becoming a scandal. But still no one admitted to it. So the investigators had to scrutinize. They had no other choice but to bring them to court, so they could testify under oath. The case was long and brutal. None of the players admitted to it, except two. They were Joe Jackson and Eddie Cicotte. Now the police had a scandal on their hands. The eight men had supposedly taken 10,000 dollars each for the scandal. This led to questioning.

The questioning by the lawyers was very staunch. The players told their whole story. Joe Jackson said the money was dumped on him. He said that men came to his hotel room and offered him the money. He said he declined, but they left the money their and left. He said he didn?t know what to do, so he kept the money. Also he said he didn?t do anything wrong, he played the game as if he wanted to win. But still some questionnaires said it seemed eccentric that he just took the money. So more questions were asked, and more of this scandal was exposed.

The reason was that a compulsive bookie had high bets for the White Sox?s to win. So he paid them off thinking they would lose, and then he would keep the cash. This scandal hit the papers everywhere. The headlines around the nation were ? Inside Story Of Plot To Buy World Series, $100,000 Involved ? Joe Jackson Hall of Fame ? Joe Jackson History, Facts relating to 1919 scandal, America Online, ? Now that the scandal was revealed, punishment was necessary.

The eight players accused of the scandal were suspended for the rest of their life from baseball. Many of the players went into teaching little leaguers how to bat and play baseball. Joe Jackson was the most famous from this scandal, because he was the best player they had. The whole scandal was a big fabrication. Since this scandal was now over and they were guilty, the team was called The Chicago Black Sox?s. This is the Chicago White Sox?s scandal of 1919.

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