

Antz Essay, Research Paper

In the movie ?Antz,? the producers tied many governmental issues

into the story. The colony was led like a communist country, an aristocracy, and had a totalitarianism setup.

Communism, for example, was a major part of the story. The government dictated the entire colony and every aspect of the ant?s lives. Aristocracy was another governmental issue that was part of the movie. The Queen had the final say in all issues in the colony and she had all of the wealth. The ant colony was totalitarianistic, also, for there was a big strong central government, which decided everything for the workers and military ants. General Mandible led the military with an iron fist, and led the army into a coup d?etat. When the coup began, the soldier ants then became juntas; soldier?s involved in a coup, along with Cutter, Mandibles right hand man. The ant colony government strongly disagreed with Z and his individualism because it led other people to think for themselves instead of

getting blindly led by the Queen and General Mandible. Z?s individualistic views created chaos in the government.

This movie showed many of the governments that are throughout the world, including old Great Britain, Russia, China, and even the United States of America.

Using ants, they were also able to show how individualism belongs to everyone and that you must fight for your right to do as you please, as long as it is not hindering someone else?s freedom.

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