Anti Capital Punishment


Anti Capital Punishment Essay, Research Paper

In view of the ever-increasing violent crimes, most people think that the re-enforcement of the death penalty is a good way to reduce the crime rate. However, there is

not many statistics may show this. For this reason, I believe that the death penalty should not be restored. In my essay I will concentrate on three main arguments for my

point of view. First of all, no one have the right to terminate the life of another person; secondly, the death penalty is final and irreversible; thirdly, no evidence to show

that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than any other punishment.

First of all, we know that no one have the right to terminate the life of another person. From religion’s view, use of the death penalty is morally wrong. They believe that

everyone have a chance to have a new life. Hence, it also against human right. It is cruel and inhuman punishment. And the idea of putting a living person to death, cold

and dispassionately, is surely distasteful to civilized society in the late twentieth century.

Besides, the death penalty is final and irreversible. In this way, an innocent people once executed can never be brought back to life. For example, we know that there is

at least once case in recent years in Britain where an innocent person was hanged. As long as the restoration of death penalty remain as punishment, this risk will always

be present. Therefore, the restoration of death penalty will bring about a lot of problems. Additionally, we should give the chance for the criminals to reform and repent,

so they can atone for the crime they have committed. Therefore, they may change their attitude towards life. As a result, it is meaningful way to hang them.

Moreover, there is no evidence to show that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than any other punishment although some people think that the restoration of

death penalty is a means to reduce the crime rate. Actually, we must know the root of increasing rate of crimes rather than the punishment. For this reason, the true

causes of violence and crime lie in poor living conditions, poor education, and lack of opportunity, absence of care and affection in the family, social problems, and etc.

So, the light sentences imposed on criminals have no relationship with the increasing rate of crimes. In most societies, such as China and Singapore, there are still have a

high rate of crimes although they have the death penalty is not a solution to the problem and it cannot be atone for his crime. Under certain poor conditions, criminals may

not consider the penalty when they commit the crime. Hence, they will not be threatened by death penalty. And the law may challenge some of them.

On the other hand, some people argue that the criminals are financial burden to society. For example, it needs to build more guarded prisons if the crime rate rises. So,

this will waste the taxpayer’s money. However, this argument is irrelevant. I think that government should take the responsibility to take care them. We know that

Human rights are every human’s right. So, they should be given the chance to attribute to society for their guilty.

Other people say that most people fear death, so capital punishment serves as an excellent deterrent. If people know that they would be sentenced to death after

committing the serious crime, they may threaten them. As a result, they would have second thoughts before committing them. This may not be true, since there is no

evidence to proof this. In most societies, the rate of crime tends to remain constant

whether the death penalty is conflicted or not. Therefore, the restoration of death penalty is not the most effective way against the criminal.

Additionally, many people support that enforcement of capital punishment can stop cruel criminal crimes. That means, the rate of crime may be decreasing. However, this

is not true. For example, in Thailand and Singapore, there are many evidence to show that many drug smugglers may take the risk in order to get the benefit no matter

they will lose their life or not. So, it is irrelevant to say that death penalty deters crime more effectively than any other punishment.

To sum up, I strongly believe that the death penalty should not be restored. It is inhuman and cruel punishment. Use of death penalty is a violating of the fundamental right

to life. Although the criminals have guilty, it is better to give them a chance to reform. As there is no evidence to show that light sentences imposed on criminals have led

to increase the rate of crimes. So, the death penalty has no special deterrent

effect against violent crime. Therefore, we should focus our attention on rooting the causes of crime more than the consequence of crime, that is, the restoration of death


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