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Comparative Analysis of the Compound Words Specific features of English Uzbek and German compounds. The criteria of compounds. Inseparability of compound words. Motivation in compound words. Classification of compound words based on correlation.
Differences between American English and British English Lexical and grammatical differences between American English and British English. Sound system voiced and unvoiced consonants the American R. Americans are Ruining English. American English is very corrupting.
Expressive means and stylistic Devices Expressive means stylistic Devices Lexical Expressive Means Stylistic Devices. International mixing of the stylistic aspect of words. Interaction of different types of lexical meaning. Interaction of primary dictionary and contextually imposed meaning.
Minor Types of Lexical Opposition Shortened Words Common characteristics of the qualification work. General definition of homonyms. Graphical abbreviations acronyms. Abbreviations as the major type of shortenings. Secondary ways of shortening sound interchange and sound imitating.
Problem of Synonyms in the Translation General definition of synonymy and their classification. The notion of changeability and how the meanings can be substituted in a language. Some semantic peculiarities of synonyms and their functional relationship.
Territorial varieties of English pronunciation Varieties of English in different regions of Britain and various countries of the world. Sociolinguistics as the branch of linguistics studying aspects of language phonetics lexic and grammar with reference to their social functions in the society.
The Borrowed Words Process Development in English Borrowing as replenishing of the vocabulary Uzbek and English languages. Borrowed words their properties studying of borrowed words their origin and their significance. The problem of assimilation of borrowed words morphemes from classical languages.
Translation of political literature and terms Studying the translation methods of political literature and political terms their types and ways of their translation. The translation approach to political literature investigating grammatical lexical stylistic and phraseological difficulties the speak your minds pull any punches.
W Shakespear s Midsummer Night s Dream 2 Critical estimation of the play. Compositional Structure of the play and its scene by scene analysis. The idea and composition of the play. The introductory significance of the first act. Depicting of opposition and controversy of humans standing.
Romeo and Juliet immortal tragedy of W S 2 Critical overview on the play. Peculiarities of significant scenes. Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare and their main characters. Character relationship of Romeo and Juliet with Mercutio and Nurse. The language of the play.
Minor Types of Lexical Opposition Shortened Words 2 Common characteristics of the qualification work. General definition of homonyms. Graphical abbreviations acronyms. Abbreviations as the major type of shortenings. Secondary ways of shortening sound interchange and sound imitating.
Learner observation tasks as a learning tool for pre service teachers Teaching Practicum in Kazakhstan types of records at the Teaching Practicum and trainees problems. Learner s central role in the teaching process. Observation in scientific research approaches to observation in the language classroom studies.
Любимая сказка как отображение актуальной жизненной ситуации Обоснование зависимости выбора любимой сказки и любимого персонажа ребенком от его актуальной жизненной ситуации. Теоретические подходы к изучению сказки как феномена. Роль и место сказкотерапии в работе с ребенком.
Віртуальний вимірювальний комплекс на базі учбового лабораторного стенду EV 8031 Розробка програмного забезпечення віртуального вимірювального комплексу який містить логічний аналізатор та генератор слів. Інтерфейс користувача з можливістю налагодження швидкості вводу та відображення данних керування режимами циклічної генерації.
Завадостійке кодування на основі циклічних кодів Розробка та дослідження алгоритмів і програм кодування даних з виявленням помилок на основі циклічних CRC-кодів. Аналіз циклічних кодів. Розробка та тестування програмних модулів. Розрахунок економічних показників.
Конструкция поршневого насоса УНБ-600 Общая характеристика поршневых насосов подробное описание конструкции устройство основных узлов и агрегатов на примере одного насоса. Изучение принципа действия поршневых насосов на примере унб- проведение инженерного расчета уход и эксплуатация.
Технологический процесс изготовления корпуса расточной оправки Технологический процесс изготовления детали. Корпус Расчет припусков на механическую обработку. Нормирование технологического процесса. Станочные и контрольные приспособления. Исследование автоколебаний технологической системы на операции шлифования.
Artistic peculiarities of short stories by EA Poe National Beginning in American literature and Edgar Poe as one of its beginners. Characteristics of his short stories. Edgar Poe is the creator of wonderful satirical grotesque in which he laughed at unchangeable and impatient for him human defects.
Economic bases of innovative activity in public health services Theoretical bases of the economic and legal substantiation of realization of innovative activity. The technique of the estimation of the innovative project in public health services. Personnel management in scientific organizations and life safety.
English Predicate and its Translation Properties into Uzbek Constituent analyses of the sentence. Complication of predicate and types of complications. The link-verbs in English and their translation into Uzbek and Russian. Transitivity of verbs and the problems of translating them into Uzbek Russian languages.
Grammar Games - Motivation in Teaching English Role of games on the lessons of English. Advantages of the use and adequacy are in the use of games. Study of grammar through games. Games with pretexts. Conditional expressions and Wishes. Examples of workings folias in-use on the lesson of English.
Learner observation tasks as a learning tool for pre-service teachers Teaching Practicum in Kazakhstan types of records at the Teaching Practicum and trainees problems. Learner s central role in the teaching process. Observation in scientific research approaches to observation in the language classroom studies.
Literature in New England Pilgrims puritans in new England: historical descriptive writers. The new England clergy: Theology in New England. The first half of the century the personal touch. The revolutionary period. Writers of new York and Pennsylvania.
Mark Twains Satire Early life of Mark Twain. Literary career Twain s first successful experiences. Marriage and wife s influence on Mark Twain s literary works. The Guilded Age as the first significant work.
Parable thinking in W Faulners novel A fable Development of a writer. W. Faulkner s aesthetic views. Parable as a genre. Form and content of parables. General characteristic of the novel. Allegoric character of the novel. Christian symbolism in the novel.
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