

Sasa Essay, Research Paper

The theme of a book is very important as to understanding what a novel is about as well as teaching a lesson in life. Authors sometimes write books with no theme in mind, but as the words flow from their pen, themes will emerge unknowingly. The themes are vital as to understanding what is happening within the story, and finding out the meaning. When the British publisher of “Le Divorce” omitted a chapter, some people became upset because he was taking a part of the theme out. The chapter was over a dispute about the Vietnam War because the publisher thought that the British wouldn’t like it. Every novel sports many themes, but they may seem to be in the least significant places. Some authors, when writing their novels stick to the same themes as in their other novels. The lessons we learn from novels will help us as we grow, to help understand our lives better, and to help others who have not learned yet.

The theme of a book is very important as to understanding what a novel is about as well as teaching a lesson in life. Authors sometimes write books with no theme in mind, but as the words flow from their pen, themes will emerge unknowingly. The themes are vital as to understanding what is happening within the story, and finding out the meaning. When the British publisher of “Le Divorce” omitted a chapter, some people became upset because he was taking a part of the theme out. The chapter was over a dispute about the Vietnam War because the publisher thought that the British wouldn’t like it. Every novel sports many themes, but they may seem to be in the least significant places. Some authors, when writing their novels stick to the same themes as in their other novels. The lessons we learn from novels will help us as we grow, to help understand our lives better, and to help others who have not learned yet.

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