Ritual Homosexuality Among The Sambia Of New


Ritual Homosexuality Among The Sambia Of New Guinea Essay, Research Paper

Deviant Behavior: Ritual Homosexuality among the Sambia of New Guinea

 The Sambia are a former war-like tribe.

They believe that every man is a warrior at heart.

They separate boys from their village at 7-10 years of age.

 These boys lead a ritual homosexual life for the next 10 years.

 The boys always act as the fellator: the insertee.

 The men and older boys act as the fellated: the insertor.

This is the only way that boys can acquire the semen that is needed for puberty and growth.

Once the boys are older, they are fellated by younger boys. They “share the wealth”.

 Once married, they lead a bisexual life.

 Once they become fathers, all homosexual behavior stops, until the next batch of boys are initiated.

 Deviant Sambian acts are: fellating boys, leading a homosexual life outside of the ritual, and having any non-homosexual sex during the rites of passage.

 The Sambian style of homosexuality is vastly different than the American version, i.e., there is no physical/emotional/sexual attraction between the men and the boys- it is simply a practice that ensures the strength of the men.


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